Not My Problems

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Nickolas' POV

Its ten minutes past eight o'clock in the morning and i finally just got home after the day from hell we had yesterday. I slept outside Ally's hospital room on a hard bench with Aaron last night, so most of my joints feel sore today.

Aaron has really surprised me, i didn't expect him to bother with me, especially after how i spoke to him yesterday, but nevertheless, he showed up at Ally's room, didn't say a word and just stayed there the whole night with me. We drove home in silence again, still haven't exchanged a single word between us upto now, but i know he is trying to show me he is there for me if i need him. I appreciate the gesture, it feels like it's  a little too late though, but i appreciate it all the same.

Unlike yesterday when Ally and i arrived home from our trip, the house now is full of life, everyone is back, the house stuff are everywhere, trying to takecare of everyone's needs. Even dad is back, whom am told is doing well. I have no desire to converse with anyone right now, so head straight to my bedroom.

Walking in, i stare at the empty room before me already feeling Ally's absence. I remember the first time i brought her in here after our shotgun wedding, she was so furious with me that day.....the beginning of our story, i smile. I remember the night she was out on the balcony after her eye operation and i followed her out there, our relationship changed that night, we became a real couple.

I walk over and look at the sofa where i fed her lunch that day after her drunken night, and the bathroom where we made love. And that bed, so so many memories there, both good and bad, i wouldn't trade them for anything.

Its hard to imagine what my life was before her. How vain everything felt. I have hated my life for a very long long time. A life of responsibility, it's a life i didn't choose for myself, it was pressed upon me, because i was the firstborn.

There was very little i was passionate about, little to look forward to every day. My job gave me most of my fulfilment in life, i never craved for much outside that. A life of a family man was not in my plans, especially looking at how i grew up with my siblings.

But Ally changed all that, now waking up every morning fills me with excitement. It's another day i get to spend with her, discovering the world together, on my own terms this time. Its my second chance at life.

And now with a baby to look forward to, am scared shitless about being a terrible father, but i want to try and do better than what my own father did.

To think all this hangs in the balance because of my position, my status and in part, due to the bad choices i made in the past is so ironic. Knowing my second chance could be taken away from me is unsettling. I have put her in danger, by simply being associated with me. Is it worth it though? Is it worth the second chance i so deeply long for?

Not being able to stand being here alone, i decide to blow of some steam in the gym.


"Nickolas, am glad you finally agreed to meet with me" Vincent Toscano beams at me from his chair across the table. Next to him is Rhea, who i didn't expect to be here, Wallace, his right hand man on the other side and another man i don't know, and a couple of bodyguards a few meters away, ours not too far off. We are meeting at a restaurant downtown.

"Am all hears" i utter, sitting down with Angelo next to me. Am eager to hear what he has to say. Rhea has been trying to make eye contact with me but i have been ignoring her, and if her finger tapping her thigh anxiously is anything to go by, it's really pissing her off.

"You see Nickolas, i had quite a few plans for you, as you know, Roman decided to take up a career different from the family business, to my utter dissapointment, and Rhea here, while she is quite business savvy, she is quite impulsive and cannot manage the business of my magnitude.

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