Pillow Talk

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Alaia's POV

I wake up suddenly in the middle of the night, Nick is not in bed but i think i have a pretty good idea where to find him. Wrapping a blanket around myself, i make my way to his workout room.

I find him siting on a Pec dec machine, his body is dripping with sweat, but at this moment he is not doing anything but just staring off into space.

I can make a pretty good guess what he is thinking of, and it saddens me.

'Hey' i say, standing by the door to get his attention.

His head snaps in my direction and he exhales slowly.

"Hai, why are you up?"

"I got lonely" he gives me a small smile but doesn't say anything.

I can imagine his dissapointment. I remember very vividly how happy he was announcing my pregnancy to his father and how ecstatic Allesio was. I had never seen them so happy, and proud, but now I feel like i dissapointed him, like i let him down.

I didn't realise my mind has drifted till i hear him call out to me loudly.

"Ally!!  Hey" he says, standing up and starting to walk towards me.

"Huh?? Sorry" i stare at his sweat covered body, he is wearing tights inside loose basketball shorts with no shirt. I like to watch him work out, he did it everyday in Italy at the villa and i would often join him and do some runs on the treadmill.

"What are you thinking about"he asks standing in front of me, and looking down at me.

"How much i like to watch you work out" i say, tilting my head up to make eye contact.

"I know" he smirks and i snort at his arrogance.

"Are you done?"

"I guess i can call it a night. Come shower with me" he asks.

"I can't" i whisper and he nods. I turn around knowing that he will follow me back to our room. The house is finally quiet, Aaron, Marco and Lola did not go down easy.

I curl up in a ball and stare at the bathroom door, waiting for Nick to emerge. I guess he couldn't sleep and went to workout to try and keep his mind off what has happened, but judging from the trance i found him in, it didn't do much good in that area.

He walks out shortly with a towel wrapped around his waist and walks to a drawer pulling out a pair of boxers and puting them before joining me in bed.

"Hai" he whispers making himself comfortable and pulling me against him, spooning me. His skin feels cool from the water and it feels nice.

"You're wearing too many clothes" he complains.

"A tshirt and shorts is not too many clothes."

"Lose the tshirt, i want to feel your skin" he demands.

Sighing, i sit up and pull it up over my head before lying back down again. He wraps his limbs around me, literally, arms and legs all over me. I must admit though that the skin to skin contact feels better this way, comforting.

"Go to sleep" he whispers.

"Hey Nick"


"You know that i love you right"

"I know" he says.

After a brief pause he speaks.



"You know that i love you right"

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