A Son's Honor

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Alaia's POV

Not wanting to leave anything to chance, we decide to go to the nearest hospital, which is the general hospital in my hometown of Rocky hill about fifteen minutes from my house. It is not nearly as sophisticated as the hospital I have been going to in the city, but it's still good, I have been going there nearly all my life.

I have tried to call Nick several times to let him know what's going on, but his phone is not going through. I know for sure he would have preferred for me to go to the hospital in the city, but it's too far. 

Stacey has stayed back because she has another commitment later.

Honestly, I don't know how to feel about this possible new development. I have no idea how Nick will react. I mean, I know a baby was part of the agreement, but everything has changed now, and we are not exactly going by the contract anymore.

Besides, there is so much going on right now, and I just want to figure out what I want to do with my life now that I have more options. Having a baby will change everything. I don't know if I am ready for that. But then again, that's what happens when people have sex and don't use protection right?

I sigh.

"Ok, the doctor will see you now." A nurse comes to say.

I am nervous as hell. My mouth has gone completely dry and even my legs are shaking with every step I take. If there is a small chance that am not pregnant, I hope that that will be the case.

"Alright? What seems to be the problem?" The doctor looks up at me from behind his desk with a friendly smile.

I tell him about my recent eye surgery and everything I have been feeling lately, from the headaches, the nausea and my recent fainting. 

The more I explain, the more I am convinced that I am pregnant. My heart is literally beating out of my chest at the end of my rhetoric.

He notes everything down and looks at the brief notes about my vitals already collected by the nurse, before requesting for a blood test.

We wait about twenty minutes for the results and then the nurse leads us back into the doctor's office. 

Dad is reluctant to follow inside, opting to give me some privacy, but mum insists he follows.  I am too distracted to even care right now.

"Well, Miss Crowe......"

"Mrs." Mum interrupts him.

"I beg your pardon?" He asks, with a slight cock of his eyebrow.

"It's Mrs. She is married. Mrs. Bishop actually" she clarifies. I know she feels the need to clarify am married so that the doctor doesn't think i got pregnant out of wedlock. Mum is very serious about family honor and reputation.

"Excuse me, Mrs Crowe" He corrects himself, but gets it wrong anyway.

"Its Bishop actually, Mrs Alaia Crowe Bishop" i supply wanting to get this over with very fast. 

The doctor sits back in his chair after i speak.

"You are married to Nickolas Bishop?" he looks surprised and pale all of a sudden.

"Yes thats correct. Can we get this going, or are we going to do introductions all afternoon?" Dad snaps, the only time he has spoken since we left home.

"Ofcourse, well, congratulations mrs Bishop, you are almost four weeks pregnant, however, your blood pressure is very low, we will need to monitor you closely and make sure................. "

I stop listening. I can hear him talking but i can't make out what it is he is saying. My mind feels numb, my body just went cold and my heart stopped beating for a minute.

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