I Died A little Today

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Nickolas's POV

As Ally's parents near us, my distress gets to a new high, i don't know what to say to them.

"What happened, have you found her yet?" her father is the first to speak.

For the first time in a long time i hesitate to get any words out, Aaron steps up and speaks first, explaining what happened and how we have everyone looking. Steven Crowe gives me a death glare. Even now, after all this time, our awkwardness still exists. I can only imagine the hate he must be feeling right now towards me for being careless with his daughter. To be fair, i hate myself right now too.

"Are you alright?" Faith asks, surprising me. I expected her to be mad too, just like her husband, but instead she is worried about me. Am so taken aback, am lost for words, again.

She touches my hand lightly.

"I know you must be worried to death. It will be ok, am sure she is fine, i can feel it. A mother always knows" she smiles despite the circumstances we are in and surprises me further by giving me a hug.

I needed this. Some warmth, comfort, hope. I needed it so badly. I hug her back, feeling my strength and energy renewed abit.

"Thank you" i murmur. Letting go i turn to Martial.

"How far with Sebastian" I ask again, he is the IT guy we are waiting for.

"He is on his way, an hour tops" he replies and i grunt. Thats far too long. We have already wasted too much time, i sigh.

A million thoughts run through my head right now. We came to the hospital with only Martial, not feeling the need for any more security, it's a hospital after all right. Dad has been here two days and it being a hospital, it was inconvinient to have our guys all over the place, so except for one guy outside his room, we didnt have anymore of our guys around. In all fairness, we haven't needed heavy security in a long time.

But now, I can't help and think of all the ways we could have done this differently to prevent this, Even though i don't understand what just happened today. I doubt mum and Tomaso can go this far, but at the same time, i nolonger know what they are capable of. I suspect Vincent, but i doubt he would play such a dirty and obvious move, maybe Rhea. Aahhh, this is so frustrating.

One hour passes like days. The waiting room which we have taken over is filled with silence which is becoming more and more unbearable by the minute so much that when my phone rings, everyone gets startled.

"Yeah?" I practically shout into it already getting up.

After i cut the call, i start to walk towards hallway when Aaron interrupts me.

"Where are you going?"

"He is here" i reply, then he and Marco get up to follow me.

"No need" i say, stopping them in their tracks. The less people i involve, the better.

"Nick, we want to help" he argues.

"I don't need your help" i respond. I know am being spiteful, but i can't help my feelings right now.

"Am coming with you, she is my daughter and i want to know whats doing on." Steven says, already following me. He is right, i can't stop him, so i don't.

We join Martial, Sebastian and Christian who is back from the theater at the door of the security office. Their head of security lets us in and Sebastian quickly gets to work.

This is our best shot of knowing what actually happened, so i am extremely nervous for this excercise. Fifteen minutes pass with me breathing down Sebastian's neck.

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