Chapter 13 - Mrs Bishop

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Nickolas ' POV

It is done. The nuptials are done and Alaia has signed the remaining documents. So now, I need to attend the commissioning of the project just about now. I am late, but everyone has no choice but to waiting for me.

Alaia wants to get back to the hospital to be with her father, so we will drop them off there on our way to work. 

I can't believe the old man almost threw all my work to shit. That heart attack better be real, otherwise, i will deal with him later, but now that everything has finally gone according to the plan, i feel myself relax for the first time today.

Alaia is sitting next to me, and trying to put as much space as she can between us. I notice her outfit again and now feel like i can really appreciate it. I find myself unable to ignore her exposed bare thighs, thanks to the short dress she is wearing, which due to her sitting position, has ridden up even higher exposing more skin than i bet she is comfortable to let out. but i am not complaining about the view....her skin looks soft and smooth and i want to put my hand there. But we are not alone, so i won't, can't.

As if reading my mind, she squeezes them together, and slants them to the other side towards her friend Rita and away from me.

She was always so covered up in jeans every time i have seen her, this is the first time she is showing so much skin and i like what i see so far.

I look at the diamond ring on her finger and feel the pride burst in my chest. Finally, she is mine now. She is the lovely bonus to the project i am just about to successfully launch.


Alaia's POV

Nicholas agreed to let me go back to the hospital, and said he will pick me up when he is done with his programs. We arrive at the Hospital and Rita and i quickly get out of the car and start making our away inside without any further dialogue with Nicholas.... but before we go far, i feel him grab my shoulder, turning me towards him. He puts his overcoat on my shoulders to cover me up and i realise then that the weather has become somewhat chilly.

"I will see you later Mrs. Bishop" He drawls, but there is no emotion in his voice.

I turn around without saying anything. 

I want to slap him. 


Multiple times.

"Are you alright ?" Rita who seems to have gone from a ten to maybe a zero on the Nickolas Bishop fan club scale, finally asks as we walk inside. I nod and squeeze her hand for assurance but deep down we both know am nowhere near alright.

"How is he doing" Rita asks as soon as we reach the ward.

"He is not awake yet" Mum answers as she comes to my side and holds my left hand up. She breaks down in tears as she turns the ring around my finger.

"I am so so sorry baby...... i am sorry" she cries.

"It's ok mama" i manage to say making sure i don't break down in tears too. 

Despite everything, i don't regret it. Soon, this all will pass and we can all get on with our lives and be happy again.

Sienna and Zara join our hug, and both break down in tears aswell.

After a minute or two of crying, we all calm down and hang around the waiting area. Later, i go and sit next to dad in his room. The others wait outside and after a while, Mum takes my place and i go outside again and wait with my sisters and Rita.

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