Chapter 2 - Here Goes Nothing

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Alaia's POV

"Wow, this place is reallllllly fancy Ally, can definitely see myself working here for sure" Rita announces as she walks around the lobby, and by the sound of the camera flashes, taking selfies everywhere she can..... Can't help but shake my Head.

Rita is one of my best friends since childhood, and also my neighbour. We go everywhere together, well almost everywhere lately. She recently graduated from University and is currently job searching after she got fired from her last job.

So her married supervisor wanted sexual favors from her, in exchange for her keeping her job. And well Rita being Rita, quit the job but not before causing abit of drama to get her supervisor in serious trouble before she left the company. She may have lost her job, but her name will remain a legend in the company.

So now she staying with her parents again and looking for work.

I on the other hand, finished high school with Rita, but was unable to attend college due to my lack of sight. Yep, am blind, I have been so since i was 8 years old, its a sob story, but I am over it now.

Anyway, completing high school was hard enough. As a person with disabilities, all the special attention made things quite awkward for me. I didnt think i could handle a college experience like that again.

Plus,with so many financial problems at home, me going to college was last on our list of priorities. So i guess my high school diploma will have to do, for now i guess.

'Aaahhhh', i sigh

I Can't help but fantasize what some extra money would do for my family. My Mum was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer 4 years ago, but luckily, she fought it and beat it.

But the medical expenses put a toll on the family, we are still trying to pay them off up to now. Currently, she runs our family Diner down town called 'Sunny's'. It used to be my grandmother's and i remember spending literally all my time there when i was a child.

It's steady but doesnt bring in alot of money anymore, probably because its quite old school while everything else has evolved so drastically around us.

I have two sisters, my immediate being Sienna, and she is a Senior in college now, there is no scholarship there, so basically more bills to takecare of, and my youngest sister Zara is soon to be a senior in high school.

Then there's me, am soon to turn 24 years old. I'm told am 5"7" tall, brown hair and green eyes. I do remember my eyes abit though, every other image has just sort of faded as the years have gone by.

I read alot, brail ofcourse. I can also sing though i don't do much of that lately, and i play some musical instruments, my favorite being the violin.

I work at a dry cleaners that's close to our house. In case you're wondering, i basically press, fold and pack clothes there. After so long of doing it, its one of the things i can do very well without my eye sight.

I have been trying to save some money for an eye surgery. My boss Mr Lee told me about a doctor he heard about that is doing work . It's still experimental but i think am willing to try it out, i have nothing to lose. I haven't told anyone about it though, apart from my dad, for now anyway.

My Dad works, well worked at one of the biggest companies in the city, and it is owned by the Bishops, who i hear are a big deal in the city. But recently, he and two others got into some trouble there. They all got fired and arrested, but let go shortly afterwards due to a deal that the Bishops wanted to make with my dad.

Well apparently, my grandma Sunshine, Sunny for short, put me as a sole owner of the Diner the Bishops wants to buy off because they want to use the land for a project or something. But the problem is i can only sale or transfer ownership of it a year after my wedding and since am not married yet, that kind of causes a bit of problem in the whole deal.

Anyway, Mr Bishop asked my dad to make the deal work somehow if he wants to avoid going back to jail.

I know what he did was very wrong, and I don't condone it, but I still feel so bad because i know the reason my dad is even in this mess is because of all the financial problems at home, and I feel even worse because there isn't much i can do and yet am the oldest child.

And i know that he also wants to make some extra money to help me get that operation for my eyesight, because I heard him talking about it with mom.

Everyone is so stressed at home and i feel so bad being unable to help. Am the eldest daughter but yet the biggest burden to them all. Which brings me to why am here to meet Mr Bishop today.

"Ms Crowe.. Mr Bishop will see you now, follow me" The man who am guessing to be his Secretary tells us.

Rita grabs my hand and we start to follow him to Mr Bishop's office.

" So, got any job openings here, in this place i can do anything, but preferably something in public relations?" Rita asks the man seriously.

"Rita!!! don't start" I elbow her.

"What, this place is humongous.. It could definately use some more people...right man?" she utters, and the man doesn't respond, go figure.

"So.... What do you do here? Are you his secretary or something?" she continues striking a nerve.

"Personal Assistant...and no, we do not have any openings here for you" he answers emphasising the 'for you' part, and possibly taking offence to being called a secretary. Whatever the difference might be.

We get to an office at the end of what feels to be a hall, and he knocks on the door twice before opening it and announcing our presence.

I get very nervous now, starting to regret coming here.

Maybe this was not such a good idea. I mean what do i possibly hope to achieve by talking to the man. What was i thinking. Rita should have known better and stopped me from coming, instead she encouraged me, the damn fool.

Miss Crowe? A deep voice says with a bit of an accent.

He must have been reffering to Rita, because i quickly hear her say "Ohh no,, am Rita.....Rita sinclair, Ally's bestfriend and eyes on the ground, yeah, huh....this is Ally.......Alaia...i mean Miss Crowe" she mumbles.

She sounds nervous.

Rita never gets nervous, even in the most awkward situations, she has a way of blubbering confidently, and it always works for her.

But right now, she is mumbling, and that's not like her, unless she is in the presence of a really cute boy as she says.

Oh boy.

He must definately be good looking then. But old right?

"Am Allesio Bishop, This here is my Son, Nickolas..... please do take a seat. Salva, can you bring the two ladies something to drink. What will you have?" Says the voice again.

"Well, it depends on what time it is now... We've been waiting a very long time.. i lost track?? Rita asks, recovering quickly from before.

"Huh...11:30", the secretary replies hesitantly.

"In that case, is it too early for a cocktail?" she continues. Oh my god.

She's back.

"Uuuhhmm, we will have two coffees, one black with no sugar, the other with creme and two teaspoons of sugar please" I quickly cut in before she can embarrass us both and get us kicked out of here.

"Well Okayyyyy, i guess tea will be fine then" she mutters lowly.

"So, Miss Crowe, what can we do for you?" A different voice i can only assume to belong to Nickolas asks.

I sigh.

Here goes nothing.

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