Let go

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Alaia's POV

I tell Jude about the operation on our walk back to the house, and i also explain to him how the hospital visit went and what will possibly follow next. It makes him very excited about the possibility of me getting my sight back and us getting to see each other one day.

Later, i spend a few more hours at home, explaining every detail of my hospital visit over and over again to my family.


I am on my way back home now, just in time for dinner. I am quite nervous about how things will go with Nick, i do want to have an honest conversation with him.

Wait! did I just say 'home'? Wow.. I didn't even realise i felt that way.

Liz helps me out of the car as soon as we arrive and walks with me into the house.

"Hey.....how could you leave me behind.. I would have really liked to come to your house too you know" Lola whines as soon as she sees me, and wraps her arm around me, taking me from Liz.

Every time i have gone home during Nick's absence, she has accompanied me and it seems she enjoys it alot being there, which is quite surprising because it doesn't have any of the luxuries of the mansion that she is used too.

"Sorry, next time i will take you with me, ok?


"So, have you heard the news?" i ask, wanting to be the first to break the ice. I need to bring it up somehow, and the sooner, the better, so that i can relax again.

Besides Nick, Lola is the first person i am really afraid of losing or disappointing, i like our relationship, and i would like to keep it this way.

"Hey, no judgement here. You can tell me about it when ever you are ready, if you ever want to talk about it. But nothing will change how much i love you" she says hugging me and melting my heart in the process.

"I love you too" i reply, only now just realising that i actually do.

"So, don't freak out, but Rhea is here again for dinner. I think Mum invited her, again" She says walking us into the house.

"Actually, i invited her" Nick's voice echoes towards us.

"Ohh" I say quietly.

He surely can't be that mad at me such that he has brought Rhea back here, after he promised that he would have nothing to do with her anymore.

"Nick, Can we talk for a minute before dinner. I have something important to tell you" i ask him.

Maybe if he knows why i hesitated to tell him everything earlier this morning, he will understand.

"Is it about this morning? because if it is, then i am not interested anymore..so don't worry about it" He says walking away.

That felt like a slap to my face. I stand there with Lola's arm hooked in mine.

"We can just have dinner somewhere else. In my room, or the kitchen or outside by.." Lola tries to offer.

"It's ok.. but thanks for the offer.....Let's go where everyone else is" i say ready to face the situation, i am not running away from anything anymore.

We walk into the heavy room and come to a stop.

"Hi Rhea... You are in Ally's seat again" Lola sneers.

"No she's not, Ally has never made use of it before has she. Besides, don't you prefer to sit next to Marco?" Nick says instead.

"And that's my cue.. " Marco says, coming to my side and leading me to the seat i have been occupying ever since i came into this house, next to him.

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