Chapter 15 - New Normal

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Picture of Ally's closet.

Alaia's POV

As soon as i lock the bathroom door after Nickolas walks out, the tears started falling down from my eyes and i don't think they will stop. Am used to people a superior way towards me due to my blindness, but how am i supposed to cope when i have to live with them.

For the first time since i made the decision to do this, i feel like i made a mistake, the pain in my heart Is too much. 

Dad was right. I bit off a bit more than i could chew. 

My life here is going to be so hard i can tell, and there is no one else to blame but myself. 

Normally, when i meet people for the first time, i am used to experiencing their pity or disappointment at my situation, they talk and act different and sometimes, some even behave as if i am deaf too, or just plain stupid, because i hear them say things about me, under the assumption that i can't hear them.

But when i met Nickolas, he didn't lead with that, or talked to me in a way that made me feel inferior because of my blindness. Infact, we clashed on every other level that it made me feel like the fact that i was blind didn't matter to him at all.....and it made me feel normal and made me feel brave enough to make this decision.

What happened down stairs was a wakeup call to not let my guard down, but i refuse to regret my decision, and no matter how hard it gets, i will endure it, because the reasons i chose to do this are still valid.

After spending a few more minutes on the floor, I feel my way around the room and find the shower. 

I use the running water to wash off the fresh tears that won't stop coming. Afterwards, i give myself a minute to prepare myself mentally for the world that is waiting for me on the other side of the door.


Nickolas' POV

Forty minutes.

It's been forty minutes and Alaia is still in the bathroom and i am now considering going in after her.

Our dinner arrived a few minutes ago, and is now getting cold.

I decide to wait five more minutes before going to knock on the door

"Alaia......" I shout.

No answer.

"Alaia!" I try to open the door but it's locked. 

The water from the shower is still running, and so i wonder if she can hear me.

"Alaia!!!! "I shout louder banging on the door. Still no answer. 

Ok, am not in the mood for this.

"If you don't open the fucking door right now, i will break it down!" I warn her.

The water stops running and i release a breathe i didn't know i was even holding. 

Well atleast she is alright.

A few minutes pass and she doesn't come out, and i loose my patience again.

"Stop testing me. If this door isn't open in the next 5 seconds, you are not going to like the consequences " I warn her.

The door suddenly opens, and she stands there holding the clothes she was wearing beafore to her chest. Her hair is wet and loose around her shoulders, her eyes puffy and red, probably from crying. Her lips look swollen too. Infact her whole face looks red and puffy. 

My chest deflates as i release my frustration, and I step closer to her, tilting her chin up and  forgetting for a moment that she can't see me.

"Don't you ever lock that door again when you are in there! Ever! Is that clear?" i grunt. 

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