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Just as Jungkook said, Yoongi was at the skatepark. We were all doing our own things, Yoongi skating, Namjoon reading, Hoseok calling Taehyung and shouting- get the hell over here! I have to show you my new stuff!

Jungkook, however, was right next to me.
"I'm gonna teach you how to skate."


"Yep. There's no wiggling out of this one, Mochi." He put his skateboard on the ground.


"I won't let you fall, Jiminie."

He guided me by the waist onto the skateboard, and pushed slightly. Soon enough, I was moving.

This was nice, and fun. Jungkooks firm hands kept me and place, and I felt content.

"Okay! You can l-let me go!"

"I already did."


I was speeding, and this idiot didn't teach me how to stop. "J-Jungkookieee!" I hollered.

"Coming Jiminie!" he was laughing! Laughing at my expense. Soon his hands were back on my waist, and I-

"OI! Why are you touching the child?"

Taehyung strutted up to us and swatted Jungkooks hands away.

"Oww! I was just teaching Mochi how to skateboard."

"I can do that myself, thank you." Taehyung blew a raspberry in Jungkooks direction. "Cmon Jiminie."

"Y-You know how to skateboard?" I asked.

"No. But we'll figure it out." He assured me.

"Nah," Yoongi skated over and grabbed Taes arm. "Let me teach you before you teach him. If anything, you should just let Jungkook resume what he was doing."

Yoongi dragged a hollering Taehyung away, and threw a wink towards- Jungkook?

Whatever. Weird. I'm not skating anymore.

"I think i'm done, I-I'd rather watch you."

"Okay. Sure!" Jungkook grabbed his board, ran with it, then mounted it. He did a couple of tricks I could never even guess the name of, and looked flawless whilst doing so.

It was awful impressive compared to Taehyung who was clinging onto Yoongi while wailing.

Once he was finished, he trotted over to me with a big smile on his face. There's the bunny again.

"Y-You look like a bunny when you s-smile,"

"A bunny?" he laughed. "Well I always thought I'd be a puma or something. But I guess a bunny works too."

We sat on the pavement, observing Taehyung receive skating lessons. He'd always give random remarks such as 'Wow Yoongi, your hands are huge.' or- 'Whoa Yoongi! You actually look hot while doing that."

Taehyung looked happy, and so did Yoongi. Hoseok and Joonie were in their own world, and so were me and Jungkook.

Jungkook laughed when Taehyung fell.

"C-Can I ask you something?"

"Ask away, Mochi."

"Why w-were you and Taehyung arguing about me in the restaurant? W-we aren't even t-that close."

Jungkook sighed and faced me. "I'm sorry." his face was missing his signature bunny style. "I've always been kinda clingy onto people ever since..uhm..." he looked away for a second before meeting my eyes again. "I've been clingy because I want to prove my worth to them- so they don't leave. I kinda wanted you to see that I could be a good friend to you, that's all."

He stood. "Sorry, I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone. I shouldn't have interfered."

"N-No I never said that." I stood too. "I was just w-wondering is all. I'm not mad."

His bunny smile was back. "Oh praise the lord! I was ready to leave you forever and I was so sad- I should apologize to Tae too right?"

"Hey. Are we ready to go?" Yoongi walked up to us.

"Um, sure. Where's Taehyung?" Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck, looking somewhat nervous.

"Oh. He's showing Namjoon and Hobi his skating skills."

We made our way over to them, and Taehyung was apparently trying to show them a new trick.

"Okay so yoongi told me not to try this yet but I say screw that little man so here we go-"

"Taehyung, give that back."

"Aweee but yoongi-" he whined.

We all walked out of the skatepark. Me, Hobi, Namjoon, and Yoongi were in the front, while Taehyung and Jungkook lingered in the back.

"What're they talking about?" Hobi asked.

"Jungkook is ap-apologizing. For the fight."

"Oh. That's mature of him. I've never seen him do that before..."

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