♡Banana Milk♡

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I've always wondered what Banana Milk tasted like. The container was cold in my hand, bright and yellow, it's letters in green telling me to taste it for myself. Healthy and Delicious! Sweet and Milky! Such ways of marketing. I wonder who decided to put both English and Korean on the carton.

Personally, I was a bigger fan of strawberry- which was in my other hand. Jackson never indicated what he wanted- should I just buy him a bottle of water?

Oh who am I kidding. I cant buy anything. I'm going to have to pickpocket.

Or, perhaps, I put everything back and just run for the hills- never to be seen again. Knowing Mark and Jackson, they'd never put the effort into searching for me.

No one would, really. Maybe my mom. But i'd tell her that i'm fine. I'll move far away- to Florida, or something.

"Excuse me sir. Are you having trouble choosing?"

I turned around to face the stores worker. Oh- this was Jeon Jungkook. In my Chemistry class. Jungkook was one of those popular not so popular kids. Popular enough to have his own friends and a couple people crush on him- but not as popular as Jackson and Mark to get away with everything.

And, obviously, he wasn't popular enough to get a job outside the schools convenience store.

But really, if he wanted, I'd suggest he become a model. That'd suit him well. He was far more handsome  then  Mark and Jackson- at least in my opinion; with a sharp jawline and longer hair. Why wasn't he more popular then them?

I guess his biggest flaw was that he wasn't mean like they were. But I suppose that isn't a flaw at all.

"If you're having trouble choosing I totally recommend the banana milk."

I want to reply, but my stutter might slip out. Then i'll have someone else to tease me about it. So I substituted words for a nod, putting the strawberry milk back in the fridge. ByeBye, sweet strawberry.

I pretended to browse the stores many selections, fully aware of Jungkooks trained eyes on me.

Oh no, he knows.

I cant get out of here without him eyeing me like this.

"Ready to check out?"


I cautiously made my way over to the counter, putting the banana milk and a bun on the counter.

"I-I changed my mind." I confessed. "I d-don't want anything. T-thank you."

I turned to walk away, but Jungkook caught my arm. "That's nonsense! If you didn't have money you could've said so."

He pushed the goods towards me, and I heard the cha ching of the cash register. Two things startled me- one; was he paying for my stuff? two; he didn't acknowledge my obvious stutter. I usually only get it when i'm angry or nervous- and I was indeed very nervous.

Why am I so nervous? I can't tell. Is it because I almost got caught stealing? Is it because Jackson and Mark were just harassing me? Is it because there's a goddess of a man in front of me? There's so many factors and it's making me even more jittery.

"There ya go." Jungkook smiled at me. "I paid for it! We all forget our wallets sometimes. Happens to the best of us,"

I smiled at him gratefully, despite not wanting to take advantage of him. Maybe he just wants me to owe him later- that's what it is. I'll just have to pay him back tomorrow.

"T-thank you," I grabbed the food and bowed slightly, rushing out the store as quickly as possible. For whatever reason, my cheeks were flushed.

Strawberry Milk |Jikook♡Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora