♡Bento Boxes♡

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"Jimin, why aren't you eating anything?"

It's strange that Seokjin was always worried about whether or not I was eating. So what? Me skipping meals does not impact his life whatsoever. I suppose he's just being caring, but what is there to care for?

If I die of starvation that won't change a thing. The world goes on.

I guess that's mean Jackson and Mark would have to get their money from someone else.

I appreciate SeokJin, though. Having someone act like they care about you makes you feel wanted.

"I forgot m-my money." I turned the page of my book, which happened to be the shining, and didn't look up at him.

"Aish, what am I going to do with you?"

My precious book was torn from my hands, and slammed onto the table. "Here. Eat." Seokjin pushed a bento box full of goodies towards me.

"No need," I insisted, despite being entranced by the delicious smell food.

"Just eat it!" Taehyung urged. "You've been getting skinnier lately. Do you want to lose those luscious thighs of yours?"

I giggle slips past my lips. Taehyung, my friend of 17 years, always knows how to get me to cooperate.

"Fine! Fine!" I grabbed a pair of chopsticks and dug in happily. SeokJin and Taehyung watched.

"Wow, who starved you? I'm gonna have to talk to Ms. Park," Seokjin joked.

"It's fine. I've just been a little s-stressed." I shrugged. "I'll be better in no time,"

"You better! Because we're all going out this weekend!" Taehyung announced, plunging a straw into his apple juice box.

Taehyung has always been loud and child-like. Juice Boxes, Goldfish, Cartoons- all of that was down his alley.

"All...three of us?" Seokjin queries.

"No! I have other friends y'know." Taehyung huffed. "I want to introduce you guys to them!"

The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.

"I-I don't know if I could g-go." my stutter worsened just at the thought. I returned the bento box to SeokJin.

"Sure you can! Besides, they want to meet cute little Park Jimin."

"I...I don't know-"

"For me?! Please?!"

"Fine fine. I'll go."

And that's how my calendar was marked for this Friday.

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