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As usual, I'm being suckered into handing over my lunch money to the school 'bullies.' I'm always the one having to hand over my earnings, and when I mean always- I mean i've never seen these 'bullies,' target anyone else.

One time, I even proceeded to ask them why. Surely enough, they gave me a simple answer. "Because no ones gonna stop us shorty. Now hand it over." They weren't wrong, so I just end up obliging to their request for my cash 100% of the time.

Except this time, I've forgotten my money at home.

"So, Park." This 'bullies,' name is Jackson. I've classified them as bullies due to their cliche name calling and stealing- but to others they're more of the popular type. Handsome, Tall, Athletic. It's all people look at. "Where's my lunch money?"

"Yeah Park!" His buddy, Mark, chimes in. Mark is a popular bully too. Handsome, but not as athletic. He's more towards the funny side. Not to mention he's apart of just about every friend group in the school.

"I-I'm sorry." Great. My stutter slips out. I've always had a minor stutter- which has led me to keep my mouth shut majority of the time.

"You hear that? He's s-sorry!" Mark mocks. "What're you s-so s-sorry about pinkie?"

Great, now my hair has earned me the nickname pinky. I've always liked dyeing my hair pink- it made me feel like that was something I could control. If I wanted my hair pink, I'd make it pink. Nothing anyone could say or do about that.

"I forgot m-my money." I showed my empty hands to further exaggerate my point. "I-its at home."

Jackson and Mark looked at eachother warily, as if contemplating what they should say next. Their eyes slowly cast back to me.

"Well. There's an easy solution to that. Isn't there, Mark?" Jackson sneered.

Mark looked awful confused. "There is?"

"Yes, dumbass! Ugh just-" he rubbed his temples; his anger issues must be surfacing.
Mark faltered a bit, a victim of Jackson's outbursts many times. Lucky for the both of us, he seemed to be calming down.

"The solution would be this midget would steal some snacks for us at the schools convenience store."

"Ohhhh." Mark grinned. "That's a great idea. You heard him, pinkie. Make sure to get me some banana milk."

There was no way I was going to steal for Jackson and Mark. Do you know how much trouble I could get in? I might get arrested, expelled, who knows! My mom would be so disappointed. "Um...I cant-"


And off I went to the convenience store.

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