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My weekend consisted of me binge watching the sailor moon series and gorging on popcorn.

I may have gained weight, but it was worth it. It was all for those 'luscious thighs,' as Tae called them.

But now, it was Monday. And I had to face the inevitable.

"Hey my Jimin! Good to see ya. I was thinking we hang out today, maybe visit the park? Yoongi could come too-"

"Sorry T-Tae." I had to cut my friend short. "I have to t-tutor Jungkook."

Taehyung gasped dramatically, grabbing my shoulders and pushing me against the lockers.

"He's gonna get in my babies pants!"

"E-ew gross T-Tae! L-let go of me. P-people are S-staring."

But instead of letting go he just held me closer.

"Depression and sadness. That is all I feel."

"Let the poor boy go." Namjoon grabbed Taehyungs hood and yanked him back. "He's capable of handling Jungkook on his own. Besides, Jungkook isn't even that bad."

"He's an fboy!"

"Just because he's dated multiple people doesn't mean he's an fboy."

"You don't know that Joonie!"

"I-I'm gonna g-go." they didn't notice me in the midst of their bickering, so I quietly sneaked off to the convenience store.

"Jimin! You made it! Here." Jungkook held out a bottle of Strawberry milk and a brownie.
"This is your payment. Unless you prefer cash."

"N-No. I l-like strawberry milk." I grabbed it with both of my hands and drank it slowly,
indulging in the sweet taste. Heavenly.

"That good huh? I can get that for you everytime."

I nodded quickly, continuing to slurp on the refreshment.

"Maybe I should get you another bottle."


Two bottles of Strawberry Milk and a long walk later, Me and Jungkook were situated in my living room- with Chemistry notes displayed on the table.

It had been about an hour and after explaining ionic radii for the eightieth time Jungkook looked worn out. Yet he persisted nonetheless.

Strange that an fboy would suddenly care about his graders. Perhaps he just didn't fit the stereotype.

"M-maybe we should t-take a break." I suggested.

"Oh lord have mercy. I'd like nothing more then a break, Mochi."



"I'd like a break?"

"N-no. The Mochi part."

"Oh, well youre pink and squishy. You also like strawberry milk. Not to mention you smell of strawberries as well. Strawberry Mochi. You're a mochi."

I became as pink as a strawberry mochi.

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