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"Good to see you Jimin,"

I met Jungkook at the entrance of school, where he was apparently waiting for me.

"H-Hi Jungkook." I shifted my backpack. "W-where should we d-dye your h-hair?"

"We can go to my place or yours. But we should stop by the store first to pick up the stuff."

"W-we can go to my place." I offered as we began to walk. I let Jungkook take the lead, assuming he'd take us to the store we needed to go to.

"Sounds good to me. I was thinking we get the dye from this hair store?"

We stopped in front of a white building surrounded by other shops. A pink glowing sign read Hair n stuff. Creative.

"Shall we?"

"We s-shall,"

So we did. The store smelt of many different fragrances. A woman behind the counter gave us a warm smile and waved kindly.

"Welcome you two! What are you looking for?"

Jungkook leaned over the counter, offering a smile himself. "Just some hair dye. What isle would that be in?"

"Isle 8. In the back." 

It was strange making our way back there and browsing the selection. I stood awkwardly on the side, not entirely sure what to do or say. Jungkook seemed to be in his own world, contemplating which color to choose.

"So. Park Jimin."


"What color are you thinking?"


"Oh I-I don't know-" I mumbled. What did he expect? It's not like I consistently change my hair color. Maybe he just wanted an outsiders perspective.

Quite Frankly, I think red would look nice on him. It contrasts his amber eyes. But what do I know?

"Wh-why are you asking me anyways?"

"Because, I want to know what you think, park. Why wouldn't I ask you?" Jungkook scoffed and picked up a red box.

"You were eyeing this one. Should I do red then?"


"Creepy? What's creepy?" Jungkook laughed. "Y-you always k-know w-what i'm  looking at and, uhm, and thinking o-of. A-are you eh, are you i-in my mi-mind or s-something?"

"Haha! No! I'm always just paying attention to those gorgeous eyes of yours. They sparkle when you're thinking of something in particular."



"Y-you're always looking a-at me." I laughed. "Strangee." Poking fun at jungkook was- well, fun.

"Haha, okay. Well, i'll be going with red then. Who's house are we going to after this?"

"M-mine." We reached the counter and the lady rung Jungkook up. She sent us off with a- have a nice day!  "I- I have gloves and s-stuff there."

"Perfect. Is anyone home?"

Now why would that matter? He doesn't plan to kill me, does he?

"N-no. B-but we have security cameras."

"Oh good. So we'll be safe. I'm not going to kill you, Park Jimin."


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