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I barged in through the window and saw the HYDRA men were shooting at the suit.

"Guys, stop, we gotta talk about this." I said. I saw a sign of target locked on my screen and I launched the mini flare and shoot them.

"Good talk." I said.

"No, it wasn't." A guard said. I arched my eyebrow at him and proceeded on a nearby computer and saw someone typing. He saw me and I shot him with my arc reactor. I went out of my suit and pointed a finger to my suit.

"Sentry mode." I said. I walked over to the computer.

"Okay, JARVIS. You know I want it all. Make sure you copy Hill at HQ." I said as I placed the tech on the table. I typed fast on the laptop, making sure I copied everything. But, there's this thought that I can't subside, the feeling of uneasiness. I looked around me and began to get curious.

"I know you're hiding more than files. Hey, J, give me an IR scan of the room, real quick." I said. Just then, JARVIS scanned the entire room.

"The wall to your left...I'm reading steel reinforcement and an air current." JARVIS said. I went towards the direction JARVIS told me. I held my palm out and touched the wall.

"Please be a secret door, please be a secret door, please be a secret door..." I pushed the wall and the door was opened. "Yay..." I said in a little cheer. I began to notice a small pathway of tunnel. I walked to the path until I saw the big centipede from the alien we fought way back 2012. Then, I felt my anxiety began to creep up.

"Guys, I got Strucker." I heard Steve said.

"Yeah, I got...something bigger." I said. I saw a table with a robot on it. I went near it and began inspecting. I looked at the room and saw the other room was full of robots on the table as well. I looked behind a wall and saw a light on the table. I approached the table and saw the scepter.

"Thor, I got eyes on the prize." I said. Just then, I paused on my steps as my vision began to changed. I saw a blue light flickered from my back. I slowly looked back and I saw the alien behind me. I got shocked as the alien began to flew past me. I saw the room began to change into astronomical space. I saw the Avengers ahead of me, laying unconsciously on the ground. I immediately went to Cap and checked his pulse on the neck. Suddenly, Cap held my hand and I got shocked.

"" Cap said and he slowly lose consciousness. I looked around me and saw Y/N laying down beside Natasha. I went up the stair and grabbed her neck for the pulse. I detected none.. I breathed heavily knowing my wife is dead.

"No... No, baby... Please..." I said as tears began to fall from my eyes. I examined her face and saw that she has blood on her head and nose. I caressed her head and cried. I looked ahead of me and saw a lot of Chitauri centipedes and a couple of ships and a portal that shows Earth. Just then, I stood up properly and saw that I am back to the place. I felt sweat fell down my face and I looked behind me and saw that the Chitauri centipede is still intact on the place. I widen my arm out and walked near the table. The iron arm suit engulfed my arm. I grabbed the scepter and accomplishing my mission.

~At the jet~

I sat on the pilot seat being quiet. I felt hands on my shoulders. I looked up and saw my wife, smiling down at me. God, that smile.. I wish I could keep those smiles on her face forever. Forever? Is the vision gonna come true?

"Hey, you've been quiet ever since Sokovia. Anything wrong?" She asked. I turned on the auto-pilot and pushed the chair back. I grabbed her waist and pulled her to sit on my lap. I rest my forehead on her bicep and wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm fine." I said as I put my lips on her arm and gave it a peck.

"Are you sure, Anthony?" She asked again. I just nodded my head.

"I'm scared to lose you, Y/N." I admitted.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Nothing. I thought something happened to you awhile ago, and I can't help but worry."

"I assured you awhile ago and now, that I'm perfectly fine." She said. I nodded my head and I rest my forehead on her arm.

"I think this mission tired you so much. Why don't you bring us home and then, I could ran us a bath and try to relaxed." She said.

"That maybe a good idea. I'm gonna organize a party on Sunday night." I said.

"Party? For what?" She asked.

"A little relaxation for the team and for a successful mission." I said.

"Do I stop you?" She asked teasingly.

"Nope. Cause you'll gonna love it, too." I said. She just chuckled and she leaned to me for a kiss. I kissed her back and she stand.

"I'll rest for awhile." She said.

"Here." I gave her my leather jacket. She smiled big at me and gave my cheek a peck. She went to the seat and wore the jacket. She strapped herself on the chair and began to put on her earphones and closed her eyes to rest. Just then, I hear Thor began to give out 'report' of the Hulk. Just then, I received a notification from JARVIS saying about Dr. Cho's arrival.

"Hey Banner, Dr. Cho's on her way in from Seoul, is it okay if she sets up in your lab?" I said.

"Uh, yeah, she knows her way around." Bruce replied.

"Thanks." I said. Then, I focused on JARVIS. "Tell her to prep everything, Barton's gonna need the full treatment." I said.

"Very good sir." JARVIS said.

"JARVIS, take the wheel." I said as I pushed the chair out of the wheel. I pressed the auto-pilot button.

"Yes, sir. Approach vector is locked." JARVIS said. I walked down the pilot seat and I saw Y/N, peacefully sleeping while her head is leaning on the head rest of the chair. I went near her and kissed her head. I smiled at her peaceful sight and I walked near Thor and Steve near the scepter.

"It feels good, yeah? I mean, you've been after this thing since SHIELD collapsed. Not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties, but..." I said.

"No, but this...this brings it to a close." Thor said.

"As soon as we find out what else this has been used for. I don't just mean weapons. Since when is Strucker capable of human enhancement?" Steve said.

"Banner and I'll give it the once before it goes back to Asgard. Is that cool with you?" I asked Thor. He nodded his head.

"I mean, just a few days until the farewell party. You're staying, right?" I asked Thor.

"Yes, yes, of course. A victory should be honored with revels." Thor said. I leaned on the table and I looked at the two.

"Yeah. Who doesn't love revels. Captain?" I asked Cap.

"Hopefully this puts an end to the Chitauri and HYDRA, so. Yes, revels." Cap said. I nod my head and looked back at the scepter.

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