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"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Arms wove around me, keeping me latched to the person holding me. "Slow down, I've got ya."

I pulled away from Lewis' tight hold around my waist and turned to glare around me.

"How long was I out?"

He hummed under his breath softly, letting his fingers continue to fly across the piano keys. Running my hands up his shoulders, I drew my fingers across his collarbones until I met his bobbing adam's apple. He looked like a fallen angel in the low light, dark eyebrows, thick lashes with a square jaw and haunting grin.

"Almost two days." The tune he was playing slowed and sweetened, lulling my senses enough to make me press my head against his bare chest. "We were worried you wouldn't wake up."

I sighed heavily as his arms hugged me to his chest, squeezing me until it hurt to breathe.

"I'm sorry."

He struggled to smile, "you were injured because we didn't do our job. That's not something you should be apologizing for."

"Don't... don't say that." I whispered. "You did as much as you could and last time I checked, you all came to save me. I'm safe. I'm here."

"Yeah. You're here... now. And I still don't have a good enough explanation why you left in the first place."

"Lewis... I..."

"Don't say it was to save us or give us a better chance at life. We choose this with you. We chose this life. Why can't you do the same?"

Words failed me. I felt lucky that I wasn't staring him in the face, watching his expressions while he asked the same question over again. Unfortunately, I couldn't answer him. What had started out to be a clear step towards a freer life, had somehow taken on a life of its own. I had lied to myself so long that I ignored the idiocy of my actions.

"Lewis, I'm sorry. I didn't leave to cause you or the others pain. I left to end it."

"There's nothing to end, Blue." He argued, squeezing me again. "It's you and us to the end."

Shifting to settle more tightly to his chest, I froze. Lewis groaned lowly as I pulled away, but made no other comment. Slowly, my head dropped to see my clothes.

"Who changed me?"

He grinned salaciously and raised his gaze above my head.

"Uhh.. well, we thought you'd be uncomfortable wearing dirty clothes."

"We?" I stressed, lifting my right eyebrow. "Names?"

He laughed lightly. "It was a group effort." I punched his arm, scowling at him when he laughed for a second time. "Oh, come on. It's not like we haven't seen you naked, B."

"That's not the point."

Immediately, he sobered up. "We were worried about you. You wouldn't wake up."

My annoyance evaporated instantly, and I cupped his cheeks, bringing his handsome face close to mine. Sadness eclipsed his expression, pouring from his soul to mine. Even if I didn't want to admit to myself, these men cared more for me more than I readily admitted or cared to examine.

"I was... exhausted."

"Exhausted?" Lewis playfully narrowed his eyes at me, studying me. "Exhausted? You were tortured and beaten, starved. You could have died! I told you to stay awake."

"I couldn't help it! I didn't fall asleep on purpose!"

His hand left my hip, and he held a single finger up. "One. Job. You had one job, Blue. Just one, stay awake."

"Is that why.. oh!" I jerked my hips, hard, pressing my core to Lewis' cock. "What the hell is that?" Stunned, my mouth fished open and closed soundlessly.

Lewis leaned over me and grasped my hair, twirling it around his hand until it was secure. He forced my head back and kissed along my neck until he caught my left ear with his teeth to pull. My legs sealed themselves around his hips, forcing us flat to one another.

"That is a little gift from yours truly."

I pumped my hips, sliding my pussy against his erection with a whimper as the vibration started again. Deliberately, he dragged his right hand up my leg, pushing away the thin fabric of my sundress. His mouth met mine in a mind numbing kiss just as his hand dropped to cup my pussy.

"Ssshhh..." He chastened at my second whimper. "You're so wet for me."

I needed him.

"Please." I mumbled, forcing my mouth to the base of his neck. "Don't stop."

The next words out of his mouth were lost as I drowned in lust for him. Roughly his index and middle finger hooked inside me, digging until he found the spot that always made me see stars. I clung to him when he stood, walking us out of the music room and down the hall.

By the time we made it to my bedroom, I was scratching down his back and moaning so loud that the entire house could hear me. A whine slipped between my lips when he dropped me onto the bed and climbed on top of me. He shut me up with a searing kiss, trapping my gyrating hips to the mattress with no trouble.

"I need... I need..." A startled scream left my mouth the second he yanked my hair.

"The only thing I want to hear you say is my name. You'll take what I give you."

My breath quickened, and I twisted my hips greedily at the clinking of his belt buckle. Heat sung up my spine as he slammed deep inside me. Restlessly my hands fisted at his biceps and I opened my mouth to scream his name to the high heavens.

This was what I needed. This was what I missed. This was the connection that could never be severed between us.

We loved. We lusted. And we fucked like animals until we were sated. That was the cycle of our relationship.

It wasn't long after Lewis began to fuck me that I heard the distinct voices of Charlie and Chris and then, their footsteps. Leisurely, the pair swagged into the room. They were shirtless and barefoot, wearing thin grey pajama pants.

"Charlie... Chris..." I forced their names out between clenched teeth as Lewis tried to fuck me through the mattress. His hand caught my throat in a possessive vice a moment later.

"What did I say?" He spat, fucking me harder. "What the fuck did I just say?"

"Your name... say your name. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Lewis."

With just as much venom, he turned his head towards Chris' advancing frame and spat. "Stay the fuck off this bed until I'm done."

"You alright, Lew? You seem... tense."

"Fuck you, Charlie."

"Nah, I'm pretty sure you're fuckin' Blue. You shouldn't be in this bad a mood while doing so..." Charlie chimed, holding his hands up in surrender when Lewis eyed him a second time. "We all want a taste, you know how this goes."

"You can have a taste after I'm done."

"Well then," Jason's voice cut off Charlie's as he firmly stepped into the room followed by Hayden and Michael, "I guess we better get settled for the show."

I bit my lip so hard that I nearly drew blood. With all of them in the room, I certainly wouldn't get peace any time soon. Chris grinned at me, getting comfortable in an armchair near the headboard. And though I'd never say it aloud, I had been looking forward to this since the thought crossed my mind a few days ago.

Defying Lewis' order, I smiled smugly right back at Chris and dared.

"Bring it on."

The Six | A Reverse Harem Novel | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now