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I raised an eyebrow at Hayden, immediately shaking my head hard enough to free my hair from the bun at the top of my head. He laughed a bit, shifting to lift himself from the bed. A frown marred my face as I eyed the sheets.

"I'm sure there's more inside you than on these sheets." Lewis drawled, yanking the sheets away from the bed. "You'll need help to get cleaned up."

"No!" I half shouted, twisting to push Hayden's quickly advancing form away from me. "Let me go — alone!"

He bent over, forcing his shoulder against my hips and lifting me up. I squealed as he stood, wrapping my hands around his waist as he walked us into the makeshift bathroom. A pump was hooked up to the stream, forcing the freezing cold creek water into a rapid heating heater and out of a waterfall shower head.

Hayden stood me up and turned the shower on, letting me fall beneath the water. I held his hands in mine, tipping my head back to get clean. Lewis stepped in behind me, quickly grabbing a bottle of shampoo as Hayden eagerly dragged a loofa across my skin.

"How long?" Lewis asked into the air. I jumped when Jason's voice boomed through the room. "Four minutes. We need to move, carefully."

Six minutes later, we were fully dressed and wildly climbing the side of the Canyon in my purple Jeep. I sat in the back, clutching Jason's hand in mine as Lewis forced the gas pedal down as hard as he could manage. The big tires slammed through the thick terrain and smoothed over the holes with a purpose.

"Shit." Hayden twisted his head and stared back from where we came, his eyes narrowed in barely concealed anger. "Gun it."

"We go any faster, we flip."

Jason's leg bounced in angst and he twisted his hands across mine before bringing them to his lips to kiss gently. I smiled at him, swallowing the lump in my throat. He passed me a thin smile and looked away quickly focusing on the back of the seat in front of him.

"What aren't you telling me?"

Lewis glanced at the mirror, a smirk on his lips, "nothing."

"Jason..." I started, shaking his hand. "What's wrong?"

He shook his head at me, offering me the same smile that didn't reach his incredible eyes. "Nothing."

"Don't hide things from me."

Hayden swung around in his seat with a piercing glare. "Oh, so you expect to know everything when we've known nothing for months?"

My teeth ground together in annoyance, "I won't apologize for trying to fix this."

Jason yanked me across the seat, forcing me to straddle him. I gripped his shoulders, squeezing my legs around his waist. My breath trembled out of me as his hips rolled against mine. His cock pressed against my ass, the rod twitching underneath me.

"What needs to be fixed, Blue?" He whispered, leaning until our foreheads were pressed together. "We're happy. We're okay with this. Why can't you be?"

Tears gathered at the edges of my eyes, "this isn't right. You deserve the chance to have your own life."

"You don't think we have that already?"


My sentence cut off as a loud whistle echoed through the air, Jason locked his arms around me as a missile struck the ground directly in front of the Jeep, a second one followed quickly after. Lewis swerved the vehicle, cutting across the edge of the cliff, too close. I screamed out, latching onto Jason with a death grip as the Jeep tilted and rolled down the hill.

The cage protected my vehicle, allowing us to flip until we rested at the base of the cliff, sinking into the thin sands. Lewis and Hayden were out before I could think, each one taking a side to turn the vehicle right side up. They had just jumped back inside, buckling their seatbelts when bullets peppered the passenger side.

I clutched closer to Jason, practically disappearing against his chest. He growled low in his chest, speaking rapidly to Lewis and Hayden. Lewis spat back, gunning the engine to get the Jeep moving. Suddenly I was lifted and moved to my seat, Jason's hair tickled my face as he buckled me in.

"I can't feel Charlie, Michael, or Chris." I whispered, staring up at Jason. "Where are they?"

"They're fine." Hayden snarled, "keeping us clear as they can."

My eyes caught Hayden's as he muttered fuck under his breath and he reached down. I knew he was reaching for the gun compartment hidden securely under the seat. He quickly assembled the Kimber .45, then followed with the second just as quickly. His eyes scanned the area as he tossed the third gun to Jason.

Lewis stopped moving, freezing in his seat, then spurred into action.

"What..?" I begged, "you have to tell me."

I hated that I was blocked out of the minds of the others. Obviously I wasn't the only one who had learned a few things during my time away. Charlie, Chris and Michael were out of my reach, dancing on the outer edges of my consciousness. They could sense and hear me, but their current whereabouts were inaccessible.

I'd have to remedy that — if we made it out of here alive.

We drove out of the Canyon, trying desperately to stay ahead of the helicopter on our tails. A gunman sat on the side of the opened door, an AK47 in his hands aimed at us. The bullets came harder, faster, ricocheting off the side of my car as we flew through the last few miles leading to the highway.

"Thirty seconds." Jason muttered. It was the longest thirty seconds of my life.

A metal barrier came into view, leading along the sides of the road to a wide bridge. Lewis swerved again, backtracking half a mile to enter the highway. No other traffic was on the road, I sighed heavily, thankful we wouldn't be putting innocent people at risk.


I glanced around. Why was he counting? What was coming?

My head turned, glaring into the distance, and my heart stopped. Standing in the middle of the road was a man with a grenade launcher perched on his left shoulder, aimed at my Jeep.


Jason ripped the seatbelt from me, pulling me from the seat to secure my frame against his chest as Lewis swung the vehicle around. It skidded and caught, flipping into the air. The door was opened, and my body propelled outside by Jason's. He kept me against his chest, protecting me as we came back to Earth.

My body was thrown over his shoulder and he began to run in the opposite direction, thrusting us under the cover of the bridge as the first grenade struck. We were facing the west, heading towards the dying rays of the sun when I saw the man's face again. Quickly, I was forced to the center, hidden by the hulking bodies of Lewis, Hayden and Jason, as the first machines crossed the barren wasteland.

"Tear them apart," my hands tightened on Jason's shirt, "then bring her to me."

The Six | A Reverse Harem Novel | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now