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"Will you stop that?!"

Charlie yanked his hand from under my skirt, chuckling under his breath as he rounded the desk to sit down. I shot him a glare as our gazes met, aiming to put him in his place. Proudly he crossed his arms, leaning down in the chair as he wiggled his eyebrows. He could be such an ass.

"You okay, B?" Jason asked, sliding his hand along my collarbone. "You look a little hot and bothered."

"Get—" I sucked in a breath as he cupped my pussy.

He smirked, glancing at Charlie. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

I shimmied away from him, throwing my body backward and over the desk to stand on the other side. Watching me with hooded eyes, Jason lifted his fingers and shoved them in his mouth with a low moan.

"That's not fair! We should all get a taste!"

I grunted under my breath, righting my skirt. "No one will be getting a taste ever again!"

Chris chuckled as he leaned his hip on the desk, arms crossed. "Wanna bet?" I scowled at him, stepping further into the corner. "Awww, come on, Blue. We're starving... and here you are... looking good enough to eat...."

"Back to the problem at hand, boys." I massaged my temples, throwing a grateful look in Lewis' direction as he came into the room. "We have a serious problem. Somehow, Soljourner was able to breach our security net and track us down."

"That's not a concern, Lew." Chris argued, shaking head. "They located Blue when that video was posted," he threw a purposeful glance at me, "followed the breadcrumbs, and knew we'd show to take her back. We just need to discuss how we're going to keep Blue under lock and key."

"I vote her keeping her between dick and mattress!"

Angrily, I crossed my arms. "Is that all you think about, Charlie?"

"Only when I know you aren't wearing panties."

Narrowing my eyes at him, I clenched my jaw. "You wouldn't know anything if you kept your hands to yourself, ass."

"Is that an insult," he asked with a salacious grin, "or an invitation?"

"Fuck you, Charlie."

"Anytime, sweetheart." He stood, motioning to the desk between us. "May I suggest the desk?" Lewis choked back a laugh, swiftly turning away from me when I glared at him.

"Can we please focus..."

Pouting, Charlie sat back down. "You've got a solid 15 minutes before I take Blue up on her invitation."

"That wasn't an invitation!"

"Tomato... tomahto... either way, I'll be up your ass in," he checked his watch, "14 minutes and 12 seconds. So, hurry the fuck up, Lewis."

"Michael," Lewis called, quickly typing on the tablet clutched in his right hand, "you want to start?"

The massive redhead lifted himself out of his chair in the corner. I swallowed as he walked toward me, coming around the side of the desk. He nodded his head, pointing his chin at the empty office chair next to me. Releasing a deep breath, I dumped myself into the chair and crossed my legs.

Hayden dimmed the lights as he came into the office, sending me a heart-stopping grin. I smiled back, sucking in a steadying breath to still quaking limbs. I hated this part.

Each and every one of my decisions would be laid bare, then they'd dissect them and criticize them. My palms began to sweat while the wall to my right shifted, clearing the massive painting of the beach, and opened to expose four massive television screens. They flickered to life, displaying different aspects of my memories from the past few months.

The Six | A Reverse Harem Novel | ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora