✧ FAI'S FEELS 06 ✧

Start from the beginning

SO: I agree, it may sound harsh, but you just need to adapt. But, you said your source of happiness comes from your family, I think you should find something else that can also make you happy. You shouldn't depend on a person or people for your happiness, you should make yourself happy.

FA: The world is so big, there are so many things that we can do and explore which could be our source of happiness. I would suggest for you to pursue a hobby that you truly enjoy so that you can use it as an escape mechanism whenever you feel lonely. I'd also say that you should stay in close contact with your family, make sure that in a way you can still be involved in their daily life. Whether it's shipping gifts to them during a certain holiday, or sending a meme every couple of days. But as for your first question, we can't tell you whether or not you should be accepting the offer and moving to another country because it's your life and it's no one else's decision but yours. It seems like you've deeply considered both sides on whether or not you should accept the offer, I'm sure that deep down you do know the answer to this question but you just need a little push from someone who will force the answer out of you.

SO: I'm sure that whichever path you take will be the right one you feel in your heart.

FA: Yes, and please send us an update!


SO: How many piercings do you have?

FA: That's so random.

SO: I just looked over to your ear and you have two in each but I swear a couple of days ago you had four in one ear.

FA: I have.. fourteen. Seven on my left ear, six on my right.

SO: And the last one?

FA: My stomach.

SO: Really? I had no idea.

FA: Not a lot of people know about it because I've never had it on while performing, but honestly I'm over it now so I removed it a while ago and it's basically a scar. I don't think I can put a piercing through it anymore.

SO: Did it hurt?

FA: Not at all. The ones that hurt the most were the upper piercings on my ear, the helix and industrial piercings. I thoughts I was going to die.

SO: What, seriously?

FA: Because it's cartilage.

SO: True... I got the normal piercing in both of my ears and cried. I've never experienced so much pain in my life.

FA: You're a baby.

SO: I'll admit.


FA: "I have recently gotten into a relationship, my partner and I have spoken about taking it to the next level. To my partner, 'I'm sorry, I don't know whether I'm ready or not' How do you know whether you're ready or not?"

SO: Would you like to answer this question alone?

FA: No, you can join in, say whatever you want.

SO: I think it's easy to feel really overwhelmed by society whether wanting to do things with your partner or not. But please just don't feel pressured, you should do whatever you feel comfortable doing.

FA: It's a touchy subject because everyone views it differently. Your body is a temple and it's sacred. It doesn't mean you have to wait until marriage to do something, it doesn't mean that you can't be with a different person every single day. It just means that you should treat your body the way you want it to be treated and not the way society tells you to treat it. Do what you feel comfortable doing and if your partner doesn't accept your feelings then they aren't for you and you shouldn't be with them because they don't respect your decisions.

SO: I agree, do whatever you feel comfortable doing.

FA: And you will know if you want to do it or not. It's just intuition.


FA: In the future, you'll treat your significant other well, right?

SO: Of course I will!

FA: Good, I'll be watching you.


SO: We're really good at this advice thing.

FA: I know, we should do more of this.

SO: If you all want us to do more of this, then please send us more to the email below.

FA: Until then, we'll see you soon. Thank you!

SO: Thank you!

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⋰˚☆ Aya's thoughts

someone asked for more txt interactions so i decided to just do this. to be honest i enjoyed writing this one! i really like their dynamic together.

guys i'm taking requests so pls comment below!!

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