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"Don't pout

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"Don't pout. You knew it wouldn't kill me", Klaus said after he pulled out the silver dagger off his chest, dropping it on the floor. His sister, who still wore her 1920's outfit, glared deathly at her brother, who kept his eyes on the Bulgarian beauty that just stood up. The brunette looked down at her stomach, where the dagger could have possibly stab her, but there was no blood or wound to be seen, which made her realise that the hybrid pushed her away at the right time.

"No, but I was hoping it would hurt more", Rebekah replied angrily before she turned away, stepping towards the Petrova. "I understand that you're upset with me, Rebekah, so I'm gonna let that go, just this once", the male Mikaelson told his sibling, holding her back by his shoulder with his typical grin on his lips.

"Move Santa Klaus", Zlatina finally spoke after fixing her clothes and walking towards the two blondes. With one hand on his chest, the vampire girl pushed the hybrid back, only to come face to face with her long lost friend. "Zlatina!", Rebekah shouted happily, expecting her to be the only good thing that would happen in a while. The girls hugged each other, big smiles on their faces, which leaded Klaus to smile, too.

Suddenly the female original took a step back, eying the two supernatural beings in front of her suspiciously. "Wait. You two together in one room? Don't tell me you're dating my brother again", she muttered, her last sentence directed towards Zlatina, who rolled her eyes.

However, her dead heart seemed to beat quite faster as the thought of them as a couple crossed her mind, after all they were just about to kiss, right? Still, the brunette shook her head. "Definitely not", she replied, an innocent smile on her pink lips. "Oh come on, love", Klaus teased playfully, while he put an arm around the Bulgarian's waist. Meanwhile, Rebekah raised an eyebrow.

"He kidnapped me", the Petrova spoke as a deathly grin was formed on her face while she bumped her elbow into the hybrid's side. "I did not", he told his sister, but the brunette next to him surely wasn't finished.
"And he wanted to rip my sister's heart out. Then he made a killer out of my friend and nearly killed an other friend of mine." The youngest vampire of them smiled ironically, leading the blonde female across from her to face her brother again. "Yes, that I did", Niklaus admitted proudly, earning an eye roll from his sibling.

"Gross", she commented, so the dirty blonde walked towards her, sending her his usual smirk. "I brought you a little peace offering", he mentioned, putting a hand on his sister's shoulder, who followed his gaze. "You can come in", the man spoke, looking at the door.
Zlatina watched it too but much to her dismiss, only Stefan came in. "Hoped for a pretty human boy and a Sangria and not for an animal killer, honestly", she commented, only to catch herself a glare from Klaus, who immediately pulled her back by her hand and made sure she stood behind him.

"Stefan", Rebekah whispered happily. The hybrid let go of the brunette's hand to walk forwards. He grabbed the Salvatore'a shoulders and looked into his eyes. "Now you remember", he compelled, so the Petrova waited interested for Stefan's reaction. It took him a moment but then his confused mimic left his face, following he looked in admiration at the female Mikaelson. "Rebekah", he muttered happily and took some steps towards her. "Stefan", Klaus then interrupted, making the Salvatore look at him. It was interesting to see for Zlatina as memories flashed through his mind, the ones Katerina told her of. And she told her everything.

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