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"You found a way to save the life of the doppelganger?", Elena asked Elijah confused

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"You found a way to save the life of the doppelganger?", Elena asked Elijah confused. Both of them stood inside the Lockwood mansion after the girl endaggered the original in exchange for answers. "Yes, Elena. I did. Unfortunately, Katerina took matters into her own hand first. I believe you already know how that played out", the vampire replied in his thoughts, playing the past in his mind a few times. "You cared about her, didn't you?", the Gilbert muttered, looking into the man's eyes with pity. He sighed remembering not only Katerina but her sister. Zlatina, the girl that used to be like a sister to him. "It's a common mistake I'm told. It's one I won't make again." The doppelganger nodded understanding but she still furrowed her eyebrows. She didn't understand Zlatina's part in it, after all Damon and Stefan seemed so convinced that she could help them.

"What about Katherine's sister. Zlatina", she stopped Elijah who didn't feel like talking anymore. He breathed in and out, feeling really sick. He smiled when he saw her pretty face in his head. Without turning around, he gulped before answering. "I never met her."

 Zlatina laid on the Salvatores' couch, swinging her legs relaxed while Elena filled her in about Elijah who was coming over to help them since they talked

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Zlatina laid on the Salvatores' couch, swinging her legs relaxed while Elena filled her in about Elijah who was coming over to help them since they talked. The original wanted an apology from Damon and Stefan which the younger sibling quickly finished while the older one walked away, obviously complaining about the old vampire's help. "I believe there are things that are worse", the Bulgarian spoke up, while the doppelganger let herself fall down on the couch too, so the female vampire put her legs on Elena's lap. It was strange for the Gilbert that the other Petrova acted so normal around her, mostly because she assumed her to hate her. Of course the human girl still feared the older female but she learned that the Bulgarian wasn't Katherine .

"What could be worse than getting killed by a thousand years old vampire?", the Gilbert asked with a raised eyebrow, making Zlatina shrug. "Running out of tampons while having your period."

The human girl exhaled ironically and wanted to reply something but she was stopped by the doorbell. Unmotivated she stood up, letting the Bulgarian's legs fall to the floor. "Oh, dvoınik", she yelled amused, "be careful who you invite into your house."

Elena rolled her eyes and opened the door for Elijah who greeted her and stepped in smiling, to tell his plan to the doppelganger and her boyfriend. Nevertheless he was looking for Zlatina, because he was sure that he heard her voice. The Petrova sped into the kitchen, getting some cookies and also hiding from the original. "Tonight is a full moon. We should assume that Klaus is prepared to break the curse", she heard Elijah's voice which made her shiver directly. She missed him badly. "Elena said that the sun and moon curse is fake. That it's actually just a curse placed on Klaus", Stefan mentioned, so the Bulgarian groaned and put a cookie into her mouth, then she walked inside the living room with the whole box in her hands.

"Niklaus is a vampire born of a werewolf bloodline. The curse has kept his werewolf aspect from manifesting while it emphasised his asshole aspect."

Everybody's gaze fell at her as she stood there with a full mouth, winking at the man in the suit that couldn't hide his smile. He was extremely lucky that she was alright and also fascinated by her fantastic looks and the accent that stayed over all the years. "Hello to you too, Lijah", she teased, noticing his stares that he quickly cut off. "Dearest", he replied, earning a confused look from Elena, who thought they didn't know each other. To cut off the silence, Elijah continued the explanation. "If Klaus breaks the curse, he'll be a true hybrid."

Out of nowhere Damon appeared, sending a glance to the Bulgarian beauty that was busy eating another cookie. "Then why are we letting him break the curse?", the dark haired Salvatore asked angrily, "we can kill him today. With Bonnie." Elena shook her head. "No, Bonnie can't use that much power without dying. Also she's hiding at the witch house", she denied.

"Already Walpurgis Night?", Zlatina commented before she put her elbow to Elijah's shoulder to lean against him. He was used to her actions but he also knew that it was a part of her game to look as seductive and cute as possible. It was her way to get everything she wanted, and she truly did.

"I'll write her a great eulogy", Damon said, reminding the original of the subject, so he tried to ignore the nice aroma of the beauty next to him. "It's Not an option Damon", Elena repeated. "Alright how do we break this curse?", Stefan asked being the reasonable guy he was. Zlatina sighed before she started to explain. "Well he needs the moonstone and a witch that will channel the power of the full moon to destroy the stone or something like that. Bla bla bla then Klaus drinks your blood", the female vampire pointed at Elena, "and boom your dead."

Zlatina smiled innocently at the doppelganger who watched her scared so Stefan took the Gilbert's hand to calm her down. With a big grin the Bulgarian touched the original's chest, giving him goosebumps. "But Lijah here surely has a plan to save you. That's what he does best.", she muttered before she used her whole strength to push him away with the hand on his chest, which came really unexpected for him so he was sent against the next wall while Zlatina laughed amused. Satisfied she smirked to herself. "I keep on surprising myself."

1492, England

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1492, England

"Giotto di Bondone, the most sovereign master of painting in his time." Zlatina Petrova's eyes let go off the big painting, only to meet Elijah Mikaelson. She liked the many paintings that were to be seen in the whole building, in general she liked the Mikaelson's home very well. It was as big and noble as she used to imagine her dream home, back in Bulgaria. She admired England, mostly the gigantic building and the handsome lords, who took care of her. Deep inside of her, the Petrova always wanted to live like this. She wanted to wear a crown.

The girl gulped back a sob as she realised that she couldn't go back. She truly missed her country and even regretted that she left sometimes, but she couldn't ever leave Katerina alone in this whole new world.

"I agree, my lord. He is very talented", Zlatina replied to the man next to her, who sent her a charming smile. The brunette liked Elijah. He was a true gentleman and always sweet caring but he gave her looks she couldn't read. The Lord seemed to be fascinated by her but there was more. He felt pity for her.

"My brother, Lord Niklaus, is an expert when it comes to art. Of course he will tell you more about the artist if you are interested", the Mikaelson suggested kindly, which leaded the Bulgarian to nod smiling. Elijah wanted the girl to grew closer to his brother, so she would understand him in his decisions. Even accept them. The man wanted to see not only his brother but the young beauty happy. He was truly fascinated by her, not only her looks but the not replaceable personality and he knew that Klaus fancied her as much as he did himself.
Sadly Elijah would never be able to save her.

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