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Anita's pov

I haven't left my room since yesterday, I believe my eyes are swollen coz it feels painful and heavy.

I love Danny so much but Sandra is also in love with her, I know that Danny will choose me over her but here I am having one month to break up and get engaged to my childhood friend.
Life is messed up right now.

I feel the only person I can talk to is the handsome stranger, my head is gonna explode if I don't talk to someone. And I have no idea where to find that stranger.
I have been avoiding Danny,  her calls and her friends.

I decided to go to a gym, a new gym that just opened Last week, I dressed up and walked downstairs " sweetheart! Are you ok? You have not eaten anything since yesterday, come and eat something " my mom asked me.

I couldn't even answer her , she is going to stand and watch dad throw me into marriage without doing anything,  am sure it was all their plan.

I left the house without saying a word and walked to the gym, I had no strength to drive,

When I got to the gym and I registered and I was informed the owner of the place is my instructor.

" Let get started, shall we " I turned around to meet my instructor ,  " angel!! " I yelled and jumped on her and she caught me like I weighed nothing ( just like Danny), " hey you" she said her voice is so masculine and so is she

" Let get started, shall we " I turned around to meet my instructor ,  " angel!! " I yelled and jumped on her and she caught me like I weighed nothing ( just like Danny), " hey you" she said her voice is so masculine and so is she

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Am not surprised she could take on 8men on her own, I mean look at her (just like Danny) stop thinking about Danny.
Immediately I burst out crying, she held me  " it's ok, stop crying ".

She took me to a room , gave me food to eat . I felt so comfortable with her, she is like a big brother I never had.
" Could you stop calling me angel, it's sounds so childish " she said making me laugh " since you don't like it, am gonna keep calling you angel "
She just scratch her head speechless.

Please let me know you think about the story so far. It serves as an encouragement. 😔

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