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Anita's pov

Do you know this saying about black people being good in bed?? No kidding!!!!   I can barely walk properly while the dumbass is sitting over there laughing 😒😒.

We went out for coffee, her phone ring and she lite up immediately she saw the caller ID " Biggie " she put the call in loudspeaker

Voice; yo ZILLA, are you dead yet?

D; nah bro, well life playing nice for now

Voice; made peace with your girl

D; yeah, she is with me.

Voice; I run brodas now.

D; men that's cool shit, wah happened to the real owner?

Voice; I sent him to ask the devil a question for me?

D; you are the man!!!!

I can't believe my ears, are the serious? That's how siblings chat!!! Cool,  blacks!! I love the interaction no stress.

We got up and left the tea shop and someone ran into me, I was expecting Danny to go berserk but no she helped the guy up and told him to watch where his going next time. Am so impressed but immediately I turned my back I saw the guy on the floor again with blood on his nose. Danny!!!!!!!!!!!!.

The day went smoothly, she took me to the studio and I listened to her raps, she got hot jams I love it.

I decided to take her to the agency with me for a photoshoot. Big mistake!!!!  Danny!  One of my colleagues shouted, Sandra.
" I almost didn't recognize you" and she hugged Danny and greeted me before she continued " why did you leave on our anniversary?"
Wait!!! What????? Anniversary??
I hope what am thinking is not what's happening 😵😵😫🥺.

Am sorry this chapter is short but I will make it up to you,
Have a nice day 😊😊

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