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Anita's pov

I saw Danny leaving school after what happened, I knew whatever  Drake was talking about was no joke, so after Danny left I went after Drake,.

He tried ignoring me at first but I have my ways 😉, I finally got him to talk but instead of talking he gave me a newspaper and I read it, damn!  I couldn't believe it and what shocked me most is that it was not an old news, it happened earlier this year.

I kept my cool and went home and I waited for Danny, and here she is standing in front of me looking nervous, I tried starting a conversation " I heard you left school early today, is everything ok? "  " Yes, I went to clear my head" I didn't go further, I just went straight and made us lunch.

After eating, " did you meet Drake after I left?" I nodded my head " what exactly did he tell you "  " he asked me to check the news papers" I lied, she said " kitty, I have done things, real bad things but believe me am changed" I nodded my head before speaking " how come about the name GODZILLA? ".
" My biggie always call me ILLA, you know Daniella - ILLA, and when I was 10 I wrote my first song Godz, so GODZ + ILLA =GODZILLA" I smiled at her funny explanation.

I kept quiet coz I didn't know what to say " kitty are you going break up with me?" I could hear the pain in her voice. Actually I was going to break up with her but unfortunately for me I had already fallen deeply in love with her and I believe she's changed but if am being sincere I really don't care if she is a gangster as long as she doesn't kill🙂, but I can't tell her that.

I walked to her " of course not, I would only leave if you ask me to, but you have to have to promise me 3 things for me, one no more killing, two, you will tell me everything, three, promise me that you won't fight for the next two weeks" I said pouting
She looked at me with seriousness " kitty, I promise that as long as I have you, no more killing, and I will tell you everything and about the fighting I will try".

I hugged her tightly " let's get back to chemistry" I dragged her upstairs.

Danny's pov

Am glad she still wants to be with me, not fighting is going to be hard but I'll try,  but the problem is  I promised to tell her everything, I mean , how do I tell her that I killed my own father 😣😣.

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