33) He is Beautiful

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"Pain was the one thing he could never bear, but for him, he'd bear it all and he will. By God, he is in love."


It took three hours, but everything was finally perfect. It was beautiful from top to bottom, not a single thing out of place—at least not to him. After years of waiting, though he didn't recognize it then, and trouble it is finally happening and there wasn't a thing that was going to ruin this. It was very last minute but it was what she wanted, and for her, he'd do anything. The wait is agonizing, cold feet are not an option, but it is undoubtedly present. Am I ready to commit? Will she regret this in a year? Three years? Will the kids resent me for my past mistakes? All of his thoughts burn away as the door opens and Jo walks in.

"Ready man?" he asks and claps Bradley on the back. "They're getting antsy out there."

"No, I am not ready, and I have never been as nervous, not even when Lin was born. I love her and want to do this, therefore, I will. Let's go." Brad releases a shaky breath and follows Jo out of the dressing house and into the grass where the groomsmen wait, all of the men looking excellent in shorts and t-shirts. They had not had enough time to dress appropriately so everyone wore what they wore for the party, Bradley was clad in green shorts and a black button-down shirt, feet bare, with his hair messy as the beach has it. One by one the groomsmen walked into the Mote Beach House. Jo, Martin, Luis, Enrique, and then Casen walk in swiftly, Jo takes his position on the right side of the cleared space serving as an altar. Bradley walks in.

He stands in his position in the head of the room and breathes slowly as the bridesmaids walk in, Lucina, Marcia, Rachel, Amelia, and Jasmine slowly approach the altar in their bathing suits. Had he been a regular twenty-year-old seeing beautiful girls in such skimpy clothing may have caused a reaction in him but love does that to you, he has only eyes for his beautiful fiancée, his very soon-to-be wife. He maintains a steady breath until the bridal march starts and his eyes whip up to see Adison in her gorgeous white bathing suit cover, white lilies in her hand, and bare feet with orange painted nails. His breath is knocked from his body as she walks closer to the front a huge smile on her face, Lin coming down just ahead of her with red rose petals flying from her hands. Carl, Addie's father, holding her close to him with shiny eyes, walks Addie up and places her hand delicately in Brad's. "You better take care of my girl and be a damn good dad to these kids, you hear me?"

"Yes sir, I will," Brad replies, looking for the first time in three hours into Addie's gorgeous eyes. "Hey, beautiful."

"Hey to you too," she smiles.

"Well I did not think I would be here today, three hours' notice for a wedding doesn't make enough time for proper preparations but this wedding is already beautiful. I was called here by the grace of God to oversee the joining of two beautiful souls and I could not be happier to be here. I was told that this should be a short ceremony because of the late notice for my time, but I do no half-weddings so let us begin! Let us pray. God, bless this sacred union we are about to witness together, let these two people be happy forever with each other, and seek solace in You during hard times for Your love is great. Bradley your vows."

"My vows are simple: I love you Adison, more so than I ever thought was possible. I promise to be faithful to you and only you and be here for our children. I have made mistakes in the past that I regret with all of my being, but I will try to make up for those and give you the love you deserve. I am honored to call you my wife and I hope you feel the same for me," Brad smiles holding Addie's right hand in his.

"I love you more than anything in this world. You and our kids are the most important to me and I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. You have made mistakes and have hurt me, but I have forgiven you because that is what love is: forgiveness. I have made mistakes too and hurt you, and I hope you would look past my flaws and into our love to find that forgiveness. I have been waiting for you to propose for ages and when you did, I knew I could not wait for months to be married so I chose to get married tonight. There is so much about you that I love, I love you and all of your flaws, they make you who you are, and who you are is who I love. I promise myself to you and no other for the rest of my life. You are my only true love and I will never grow to resent any of this. You are the best fiancé-soon-to-be-husband and father anyone could ask for."

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