Chapter Forty-Six

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Meals were less tense after Remus and Janus talked. Everyone was grateful for that. Janus and Roman were no longer ready to jump at each other and actually started to get along past being civil, but there was some weird tension around him and Patton. Patton knew, Virgil knew, Roman knew...anyone with eyes knew.

Roman was sure Virgil had given him the third degree after Roman told him about the event in the library but he didn't hear anything about it after. All he got was Patton bringing Virgil cookies after a week of him basically pouting, and Virgil signing something and they were good. Roman did not know what to make of it but Logan said to leave it be. 

The Sanders Cousins were a weird duo but they worked.

As for Roman and Virgil, things got awkward every once and awhile. If one of them held eye contact for too long or accidentally let something slip that they hadn't said before, they would both blush and look away. But Virgil still used Roman as his pillow during lunches if he was tired.

Right now, Roman was at the ticket booth. The school's rink let students in for free but they needed tickets. Roman had his and Virgil's student ID card. Roman was proud of himself, he convinced Virgil to come to a hockey game with him. This was one of the last home games that Westward was having and it was against Roman's hometown.

Pure coincidence was Remus was coming down to watch the game. Seems both him and Janus had been talking over the past few weeks. It was now the end of March and the playoffs for the hockey season were starting soon. The fact that these two teams played each other was great.

Note the big amount of sarcasm there. It was a Thursday night and depending on who won, Roman might not have school tomorrow.

Westward was a huge hockey school, and even though Thomas wasn't a fan, the Headmaster before him was and he was there for almost thirty years, so not holding to the tradition that was decided when he was barely in high school. Not to mention, Thomas actually liked the day off.

But Roman totally didn't hear that from the Headmaster himself.

"I need a ticket for me and my friend, he's in the bathroom." Roman said to the guy in the booth.

"I am sure he is, can I see both your ID cards then?" The guy asked, Roman nodded and handed them to him. He took Roman's first and then Virgil's. "How'd you convince Virgil Cyrus to come to a hockey game?" Roman shrugged and took the two tickets.

"I am just persuasive, also it wasn't me who convinced him to come. Thank you!" Roman walked off and went to wait for Virgil by the bathroom. He wanted to make sure he was okay.

Virgil came from the bathroom and was surprised to see Roman there. "You needed your ticket." He handed him the ticket. Virgil nodded. Roman chuckled as he saw Virgil pull his coat closer to him.

"We aren't even in the rink yet." He told him. Virgil just flipped him off. Roman took Virgil's hand that he used to flip him off and dragged him into the rink. Virgil had his backpack that had blankets which he was going to put on the seat and Roman promised him dinner after.

Together they chose a row for them and Roman's friends. The hockey game was for the girls team, but they were the better one if Roman was honest. Although he never really liked the game of hockey, he did enjoy free skate.

Virgil had wrapped himself in a blanket and to anyone else it looked like him trying to be edgy. Roman saw him pouting, and called him out on it.

"Would you stop? We are supporting our friend, plus I promised her I would come to the first home game and missed it due to rehearsal. Now I am doing it." Roman told him.

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