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Roman and Remus

    Remus was painting the side of the school. He had a green scarf covering his mouth and nose as he did. He laughed as he did, he loved this. Roman and himself were very close in appearance. Both twins had the same brown hair, the same build which was muscular, Roman had hazel eyes and Remus had green eyes. Remus also had a hint of a mustache on his face and Roman kept clean shaven. Roman kept his hair neat and Remus had his hair unkempt and he dyed a streak in it. They looked like their parents. Their parents were pretty wealthy but worked a lot and he only had Roman to keep him company, he noticed quickly that his brother was losing a smile he once had.

    No longer showed interest in fairytales and was focused on keepin Remus entertained while their parents were at work. Sure they kept the house full of workers and cooks so they didn't have to worry but it still felt neglectful in a way. Roman had explained it to him multiple times, but he always knew that his parents were trying better now. He was a bit easier swayed than Roman who was stubborn as hell.

      "Come on and hurry up! Any longer and we will be seen when the camera swivels back over here." Roman said with a bored tone. He was leaning on a wall in a dark red shirt and leather jacket with blue ripped jeans. Remus always played up the punk look to give off the same vibe his brother just did. They were twins sure, but Roman was the older one and Remus saw him as one to look up to. Roman was his hero since they were little.

   "Okay, okay. Done." Remus said and slipped the paint back into a bag. He sprayed a sword in black,red, and green paint with two crowns intertwining on the blade. Roman looked over and smiled, it was an illustration that the two drew when they were younger and still did. It seemed Remus had kept drawing it and it was amazingly more detailed. Roman heard the camera start to click and grabbed Remus.

    "Go in front of me and sprint with your head down." Roman said and they made a break for the house next door. They sprinted until they were out of sight of the camera and slowed down. Remus laughed while grinning as they caught their breath.

    "Okay, you have to admit that..that was fun." He said.

    "And incredibly stupid. We can get into so much trouble if we are caught." Roman said and Remus rolled his eyes.

    "Sure, but no one is using the school, it's summer." Remus pointed out while strolling down the sidewalk. They did have a car but they just chose not to use it today because they were technically breaking the law.

"For one more day. Tomorrow we go back to school and we have to act like we did nothing, do you understand me? That or you let me handle the talking like we have discussed. Do I make myself clear?" Roman said while grabbing his brother and looking him in the eye.

"Of course, Ro." Remus said and Roman nodded.

"Good, now let's go home. Mom is expecting us for dinner." They made their way to their house and they got a surprise when they got there.

    They walked into the house and they were called to dinner. Roman asked Remus to go to the table while he took care of the bag. He never told Remus what he did with it and Remus didn't care enough to ask but accepted that Roman made it disappear until he needed it again. Remus didn't know exactly what Roman did but the hiding place was good, so good in fact that Roman kept it a secret.

    You see Roman had the ability to do some kind of magic, what exactly it was he didn't know. All he knew is that he could manipulate things and sing really well. When he was younger, he used to believe he was a demigod but he quickly left that behind when Remus started to get bullied. He then didn't care about anything else, so he used his influences to keep Remus safe.
That was the entire purpose of him pulling away, self preservation. At this point he didn't care about the fact that he had unnatural abilities, he really had a handle on it and he was sure. He ran up to his room which was next to Remus', he made sure no one was around and then took a deep breath. He opened his door and then threw the bag into it and as it flew through the air his eyes flashed red and the bag disappeared. Roman recomposed himself and went to dinner.

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