Chapter Twenty-Seven

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    If it was any other thing, Roman would be able to keep his cool. But right now, Roman wasn't doing a good job. It was the day they were being sent home from school for the winter holidays and the day before Virgil's birthday. Also he was going to be making his comeback in front of his parents, brother, and Virgil was there.

    Remus had dropped the canvas off at Roman's room before they had gone to dinner. Most of the kids who weren't watching the show or in it had left. But it was a relatively small number who did go home. They were doing more showings over the break but not a lot.

    Virgil was currently doing Alicia's makeup while Roman panicked. Roman was standing in the room next to them and he was just pacing. Suddenly he was met with grey eyes. "Oh. Hi." Roman said.

    Virgil waved and then walked over to him. Roman sat down knowing Virgil was going to be putting on his mask. He was always better and more relaxed with Virgil. Virgil was putting his mask on when Roman asked him randomly, "Want to meet my brother and parents?"

    Virgil froze, and then he shook his head. Roman had learned that didn't really mean no, just maybe I don't know. Virgil's eyes read anxiety. "We can meet them after I show you what I got." Roman said.

    Virgil wrote a note then finished making sure Roman's mask was good. He left the room after giving Roman a hug and then went to make sure everything else was set. Virgil was going to sit with his uncle during the show. Roman wasn't at all nervous. But he did read what Virgil wrote.

    Sing me a pretty song and do great and then I'll meet them, but after you show me what you got. Roman smiled and went to the wings to wait for his cue which wasn't for a while. Instead he thought back to about a week ago when he asked Virgil when his birthday was.

    The two sat on Virgil's bed after a dress rehearsal and they were studying.

    Really Virgil was refusing to study for history while he laid on the bed, his legs trapping Roman to sit against the wall. Virgil had his notebook in his hands while he kept huffing to show he was upset. Roman would roll his eyes and not give him the attention.
Despite Roman being the actor, Virgil sure was dramatic. So when he started to lightly kick Roman, Roman knew he was asking for a story. "Virgil, stop." Roman said while glancing over at him. As he started to look away, Roman saw a smirk appear on Virgil's face and braced himself for a bratty Virgil.

    After the night that they spent together, Virgil had started to be more and more comfortable with Roman and Roman had learned a comfortable Virgil was a bratty Virgil. So Virgil kicked Roman again, then waited and started again. It was a pattern, he would kick then wait, then kick again.

    After the third or fourth time, Roman grabbed his ankle. "Virgil." Roman looked over and saw Virgil smiling. "I am aware that you are very smart, however I do need to study. I think you should too." Virgil pretended to think about it and then shook his head. He moved his other foot and kicked Roman again.

    Roman sighed and let go of Virgil's leg and moved his work from his lap to one of Virgil's pillows. Virgil didn't move, Roman knew it was because he was confused. When Roman started to get up, Virgil kicked him again.

    "No." Roman said. He got up and moved his work to Virgil's desk. Virgil did what he wanted and moved from his spot to his knees to where Roman used to be. Roman then moved quickly, he started to tickle Virgil who gasped and then started to laugh.

    This wasn't the first time that Roman had heard Virgil laugh but each time it was a gift. Virgil tried to get up but the force from Roman had made him lay down. So Roman was now standing next to his bed while he tickled Virgil. Virgil kept trying to hit Roman's hands away but Roman wouldn't let him. He grabbed Virgil's wrists and held them so he was laying on his side towards Roman.

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