Chapter Sixteen

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Logan nodded. "Do you mind making sure he's comfortable?"  Logan asked Roman. Roman nodded and the two carefully moved Patton who readjusted to Roman's lap.

Logan made sure he was okay and then walked into the room. The beds were empty with a few students in them. They all had curtains separating them but they were all sleeping. Logan found Virgil who was sitting upright in the bed. His cloak from last night was folded in the corner.

Virgil looked up and saw him, the nurse nodded and left. "Are you talking or sign? I know this isn't exactly private but people are sleeping and it's close to two in the morning."

Sign, I feel more comfortable that way. Logan nodded and sat down in the chair beside the bed. Is Patton okay?

"Yes, he's just a little spooked. Roman is taking care of him right now and was when I came down." Virgil was playing with the oil bottle but stopped.

Roman is here? Logan nodded. Why?

"I do not have the answer to that question. I assume he heard a commotion of some kind, but I do not have that information."

That explains why Janus was on edge.

"One of the reasons." Logan said. Virgil rolled his eyes.

I know, trust me. I didn't pass out because of anything medical but they won't let me out unless I give them a reason. With my history, I am not surprised. Logan nodded.

"Why did you pass out?" Logan asked.

I started to a headache at dinner, it was due to a lot of spirits coming and trying to get my attention. I was getting visited but I didn't make it to my room in time. I was drained because of the ritual and an easy target to influence. Can you tell them it was a fatigue thing?

"Sure." Logan went to get up but Virgil stopped him. "Yes?"

I need to tell you about the visitation.

"What? Why? I don't play any part in anything you do, I just teach you what you ask."

Logan, you are my best friend. Please?

"Fine, but why me? Why not Patton or Janus? Even your uncle would be better for this than I." Logan responded.

Because, you are the one who was told by Zelena that something was going to happen. And you headed the argument for me not channeling as well.

"Look where that got us." Logan mumbled. Virgil looked at him. "Sorry, sorry. What happened?"

So, I blacked out and for a few minutes I could hear the stuff happening around me. Patton screaming, Janus catching me. But before we made it into the building, I went into a dream like state. There I met with my grandfather, my dad's dad. He said that he was glad that he could contact me this year, that he was grateful for me to leave my dad's house. He wasn't happy with how he was treating me but was more glad that I found a good place. He said my dad shouldn't have cared who I came from that he should've just loved me for me. I have no doubt that my dad loves me, he just didn't love my mother. I was a reminder that he had fucked up I guess. But now isn't the time for that. He said that this year I had to focus on acceptance.

"Okay, so your grandfather comes to you and tells you he's happy you are with your uncle but you need to accept something? What was he talking about?" Logan asked.

I wasn't sure, then it shifted. I was in a field of flowers. Very nice and pretty. Then I heard a waterfall and saw lilies everywhere. Persephone was trying to guide to something. So I walked the river, past willows and other trees until I came to a table. On the table there were three things. One was a cup that had opals and angelite on it, second was a notebook with the phrase 'dicam iterum' on it and below that the name Romulus, and third was a rose. The cup seemed to have pomegranate juice but I smelled the citrus instead.

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