Chapter Forty

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After Virgil texted him, he went back to his dorm. He was going to surprise Virgil by being there when he texted that morning to hang out. Roman figured he was getting a little attached but he wasn't going to think about that now.

They weren't really a couple, sure they were spending Valentine's Day together and it was his favorite holiday. He was a romantic at heart, he would never tell Remus he loved Valentine's Day. When he was back at his old high school, watching everyone give gifts and flowers warmed his heart.

He went so far as buying flowers for each girl who he figured wouldn't get one because the guy was too sacred or they just weren't seen by anyone. Roman always had an eye for those who weren't seen. Maybe that's what drew him to Virgil. Someone who was seen but had the personality of someone who really doesn't get seen.

He didn't care. He always made sure his friends didn't do anything on Valentine's Day or the day before depending on when the school did it. He had a heart and he had watched people get together because of his actions. Should he get Virgil something? He just had a birthday and Roman figured Virgil was going to get him something too.

Would it be awkward? They were just doing a movie night. He was buying the snacks, he would ask Patton what Virgil's favorite ice cream is so he only bought that. Would Virgil make a big deal of it? If he brought up ideas for the night, would Virgil humor him? Or would he shut down the ideas?

Roman unlocked his door and laid back down on his bed. Micheal looked over at him. "You're back early, Emo Prince Charming asleep?"

"Very funny. He's helping Logan with something." Roman responded.

"Interesting." Micheal said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Roman snapped. Micheal chuckled.

"I was just testing how jealous you are, which is very so what's going on? Nervous that Patton's boyfriend is making the moves on Virgil?" Micheal asked.

"No! Logan nor Virgil would not do that to Patton. I am just thinking."

"About Virgil." Micheal finished.

"If I tell you, you can't tell anyone. We want it to be on the down low." Roman got off his bed and moved to his desk. "You have to promise me, on your grandmother's grave." That was a thing they used to do when they were younger. It happened a lot in elementary school. It was taken very seriously and still is.

"Whoa dude, this seriously? Alright, consider this room Vegas. What is said here stays here." Micheal sat up.

"Why can't you just say it's like a therapy session?" Roman groaned.

"That's not how this works, now come on you ass. Spill it." Micheal said.

"So, Janus is asking my brother to dinner. Remus needs to be here in order for that to happen so I called him and asked him if he could come here for something. Then I am somehow going to outsmart my brother to blindfold him and let Janus drive my car to dinner, but that's not the issue. For Valentine's Day. Anyway-" Micheal interrupted him.

"And you are going to ask him to dinner too and have a double date with Remus and Janus! Roman, I am so proud of you!" Micheal said happily.

"Nope, shut up. We are not going to dinner! I didn't even ask him out." Roman said.

"Then what are you talking about?" Micheal asked.

"I was going to ask him to go with me and Remus because Janus was nervous, but ended up running off. He disappeared and we found him. When I asked if he was mad he just didn't answer that. But he said he didn't think it was a good idea, can't blame him. Remus loves Virgil almost as much as I do."

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