Chapter Twenty-Three

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T.W: Panic attack. (Sorry but we knew this was coming)
    When Vrigil didn't come back from his appointment at the office around the normal time, Roman was a bit worried. But that quickly was shot down by his brain which told him that he could just have a longer session. Virgil would come back soon.

    Then the headmaster pooped in to tell their teacher something. She nodded and then Roman was nervous. Has something happened? She handed the headmaster some papers, Roman recognized it as the work they were doing currently. So, Virgil wasn't coming to class?

    "I am sorry Roman, you will have to do the partner work alone today. Virgil isn't coming to class." She said to him quietly when they resumed class.

    Roman was confused about why, so he slipped his phone out of his pocket and texted Virgil.

Roman: Would you like help going over the work that we did today? Mrs. Smith said you weren't coming to class and the work is partner work. Let me know.

    Roman went along and did his work, checking every few minutes. Usually Virgil gives some sort of answer to a text, so when the rest of class went by and there was no answer Roman got nervous. He really wanted to go check on Virgil, but he had rehearsal.

    He walked to the theater with his script in hand reading it to avoid people talking to him. Janus walked into step beside him, Roman flinched slightly. "Oh calm down, I am not here to punch you. It wouldn't be good for either of us. I am just asking a question." He said.

    "Okay.." Roman said, waiting for Janus to continue.

    "I would normally go for Logan about this, but he's busy and not the best judgment on emotions. Also you are in Virgil's last class of the day. So you are my only source, how was Virgil today in class?" Janus asked. Roman knew that wasn't true, he had others who told him what went down in that class. Roman was just closer to Virgil than any other person in the class.

"Well, he was in English with me and Logan. He was acting like he normally would, done with everyone. But he left class for his office appointment, and he didn't come back to class. His uncle came in to get his work, I texted him to offer my help with the work but I haven't heard from him since then." Roman said. "Why are you asking me? You hate me."

"I may dislike you, but there is one thing we have in common and can find equal ground on." Janus said. Roman looked over at him. "We both care about Virgil's well being."

"Can we stop this fighting thing then? Like we could put up with each other in a civil way if we made an effort for Virgil?" Roman asked.

"I agree that this is quite juvenile, but maybe we could call it quits. For now, I will have eyes watching me in the coming weeks so messing with you will be harder but I am willing to make it work. For Virgil."

"Good, so am I."

"I am warning you, one step out of line or he comes upset about something and will not calm down, I will not hesitate to hunt you down." Janus glared at Roman.

"I would never do something intentionally, if I upset him allow me to apologize unless I fuck up real bad then I understand. But I ask you if I do upset him, let me apologize before reacting." Janus nodded.

"Deal." The two shook hands. "For the record, I don't hate you. I just don't trust you. You tell anyone I said that and you'll be in trouble." Janus said.

"Reputation?" Roman asked. Janus was surprised at the tone, it was like Roman was used to it. And he was. "What? I know a thing or two about the stress of reputation and how you could live up to it. But you can change it if you want, you don't have to live by what people assume of you. I still am learning what I can do, but I know it is possible." Roman shrugged. "Nice talking with you, also if I hear anything about Virgil I'll let you know."

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