Page 32: The One With No Magic And The Fool With A Hammer

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Narrator: It seemed the Magic Knights had finally bested the Eye of the Midnight Sun's leader. Until the Third Eye appeared--the organization's three strongest members. Rhya the Disloyal. Vetto the Despair. And Fana the Hateful. The Black Bulls swiftly found themselves outmatched. But then, the captain of the Green Praying Mantises, Jack the Ripper, Blue Rose Knights captain Charlotte Roselei, and Silver Eagles captain Nozel Silva arrived, turning the tide of battle once again.


Vetto: Ooh, a second course. Yum.

Jack: Shame on you. Getting greedy. It's not polite to hog all the interesting battles for yourself, you know. I've got to wonder. How's it going to feel to tear them apart?

Yami: Probably not very satisfying. Kinda like rippin' up a sheet of paper.

(Y/N's thoughts): I find that satisfying...

Yami: I was just about to finish 'em off when you morons decided to show up.

Jack: [cackles] Yeah, I'm sure you were. Looking more ragged than usual over there.

Yami: Pft. Me? Please.

Jack: [cackles] How about...I work out some of my anger issues by cutting you into tiny pieces?

Yami: And there it is. You're nuts.

(Jack presses one of his blades against Yami's throat.)

Yami: My sincerest apologies

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Yami: My sincerest apologies. Forgive me.

(Jack takes his blade away from Yami's throat.)

Jack: [cackles] Sacred now? I wasn't really going to do it. I'd much rather wait until you're back in fighting shape. Before our next little skirmish. There isn't even any point of it's not a challenge.

Charlotte: Must we always come to get you out of trouble? You can't even stand up, you miserable man.

Yami: Hey, it's not like that. The ground just loves my ass so much it doesn't ever wanna let me go.

Charlotte: Don't be an idiot. The earth has no love for an unwashed miscreant like yourself.

Yami: Ooh, burn! That's some mouth you got on ya. Not gonna be easy to find yourself a husband, huh?

(Charlotte's vines surround Yami.)


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