Chapter 5: Cyan the wolf cub & Animal hunter brothers

Start from the beginning

"She right it does seem to be getting stronger," Kiba said agreeing with me.

"Let me look," Hinata said bringing a finger up to her face. "Bakuguan!" She said activating her Bakuguan.

She then started looking around to see if she could anything in the clearing.

"I see a large wolf laying on the ground having trouble moving. Then see 5 others smaller than the large one that looks like they're tied together with a rope or something along with two people along with them. One closer to to the larger wolf and the other one seems to be guarding the 5 tied up," Hinata said before deactivating her Bakuguan.

'So the blood smell of blood must be the larger wolf blood.' I thought.

"Sounds like who every those two people are after the wolves," Shino said.

"That what it seems like," Kurenai sensei said. "This mission looks like it going to be a lot harder than expected, but everything will be fine as long as we work a team."

"Yes sensei," We all said.

"I'm picking up the past try keep up with me," Cyan said running at a faster pace.

"Got it," I said getting on down on the ground and running like a dog at a fast pace.


After some time of running, we arrived at the clearing and saw a large white wolf on the ground growling at a guy wearing a dark green shirt and black pants and had had spiky black hair. While the wolf was trapped in a wire that was cutting its body.

I then turned to my left and saw a guy dressed like the other guy but his hair was black and long in a ponytail and was holding a rope that had 5 wolves some had black fur and some a mix of both white and black tied up together.

"Come on brother let's get that wolf and get out of here," The guy holding the rope said.

"Oh relax somehow it still has some strength left even after losing Blood," the other guy said.

"Get away from my father!" Cyan said running over towards the guy near his father.

"Cyan don't!" I said.

"Looks like the cub came back and brought some children," The guy said grinning evilly.

"It the famous Animal hunter brothers Dai and Daisuke," Kurenai sensei said.

"So you heard of us?" Dai said looking away from Cyan and at us.

"Yeah your rouge Chuinn shinobi from the Hidden grass who capture summon animals and experiment on them," Kurenai sensei said.

"So you mean they are going to experiment on these wolves?" I asked.

"Only if we don't stop them," she said. "You four help free the wolves from the Daisuke. I will get Dai away from the large wolf."

We nodded and got ready to fight the guy name Daisuke.

"Man beast clone!" Kiba said as Akamaru made himself look like Kiba. "Fang over fang!" Kiba said him Akamaru spin their bodies at a fast speed and hit the guy but turned out to be a wooden log.

"Kiba don't be reckless!" I shouted. "Hinata use your Bakugan to keep an idea on the guy. Shino uses your bugs to help to keep a close eye on him."

"Okay Emiyo," Hinata said activating her Bakugan.

Shino nodded and sent out his bugs. I sniffle the air for the guy scent. Once I found his scent I and Kimi quickly used the man-beast clone jutsu.

"Now fang over fang!" I said as Kimi spun or bodies and hit the guy in the tree causing him to fall on the ground in pain

"Come on Daisuke!" Dai shouted. "Don't tell you're going to lose to a kid," he said trying to walk over to us but he couldn't move a at all like he was stuck.

I then looked at Kurenai sensei and realize he was in a genjustu that was making his body unable to move.

"No, I'm not going to lose to a kid, it just that this girl is pretty fast," Daisuke said standing up he then poof away.

I sniffed again for his new location while Kiba did his fang over fang again and once again it was a log.

'He a fool jumps in again without thinking and ends up hitting a fake.'

Emiyo he behind us," Hinata said.

I then turn around and used fang over fang on the bushes and got him right before I saw him making head signs for the substitution jutsu.

He then tries to disappear on us again but was stopped by Shino bugs making him scream.

"Bugs get them off!" He screamed.

"Nice work Shino you got him," I said Shino covered the guy in his bugs making him scream louder.

"It was easy thanks to you Emiyo, why because your speed made it hard for him to escape," Shino said.

Shino then releases his bugs and the guy then falls on the ground.

"Good work you four," Kurenai sensei said walking over to us. "That takes care of those guys. Now let's free the wolves."

"I use the badges in my bag to patches up the large wolf," I said taking out badges and patches up it as he growled at me not trusting me.

"Father it okay. She nice she won't hurt you," Cyan said.

The wolf then started to relax and let me bandages him up. Once the bandages were on the wolf sat up.

"There your good to go," I said.

The wolf didn't respond it just gave me an intense look.

"Why is that wolf looking at Emiyo like that?" Hinata asked. I turned and saw my team had the other wolves free.

"I think it studying you," Kimi said.

"Studying me? Why would it be doing that?" I asked looking at her.

"Young girl I want you to take this," He said in a deep voice placing a paw on the ground and making a scroll appear.

"What is it?" I asked picking up the scroll.

"It a summoning contract. Your skills interest me so I'm giving you a contract so you can summon me and my pack," he said. " The name is Adoff, my young girl."

I took the scroll and put it in my bag. "Thanks, Adoff I accept."

"Come on my pack member let's go back home were safe now and don't need to run anymore from those hunters," Adoff said walking away.

"Well where done here," Kurenai sensei said. "Let's head back to the village.

"Alright," we said following her back in the direction of the village.

"Emiyo are you excited about your new will summoning?" Hinata asked.

"Yes, Hinata. I have actually been reading a scroll on summoning hoping to get one in the future and now I finally have one," I said smiling at her.


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