Chapter 31

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Standing in the elevator, the doors open slowly and I'm the first out the door. Standing in front of our apartment door, hesitating with the keys.

"Would you hurry up?" Natalia says nudging my arm. "I had to go pee like half an hour ago."

I give her a dead stare as I unlock the door. She pushes past me, running for the bathroom. The sun filtering through the windows lights up each dust particle floating in the air. Everything smells the same, looks the same but doesn't feel the same. I close the door behind me, tossing my purse on the floor. Walking into my room, I head for the closest; only one item I particularly care about.

Running my fingers down the smooth black leather, I can feel the individual grooves from wear. The rich smell wafts as I remove it from the hanger. Hanging it on my arm, my finger outlines the seventy five on the sleeve. The white thread still perfect and clean as if brand new.

"You ok?" Natalia says leaning on a stack of boxes.

"Maybe." I say quietly.

"You still have a couple weeks before he leaves." She says empathetically.

Only two weeks, two weeks is all I get. I may not ever get it again.

She sighs, standing up straight she gives me smile. "Let's grab the last of our shit and blow this place." She says stretching her arms upward.

I turn to my jewelry box, lifting up my earrings. I inspect the light bouncing through the diamonds creating a beautiful prismatic sparkle. Wrapping my jewelry box in a sweater, I tuck it in the middle of a box of clothes. I lay the jacket on top; tucking the flaps in.

I turn my attention to talking in kitchen. I see Beck walk past the hall, his arms full of boxes.

"What do you have left?" Natalia says while tapeing a box.

"I'm done." I say grabbing a couple boxes.

"Me too. You can go ahead with Noah and take the last of the boxes and I will hand in the keys."

"Sounds like a plan."

Standing in front of the elevator, I shift the boxes uncomfortably in my arms. The door dings; opening slower than usual. I take a long step forward, bumping into Beck.

"Shit, sorry." He says grabbing a tipping box.

I step past him, turning as he steps out of the elevator. His arm stops the door, "I'll be right down. Trucks unlocked."

I nod as he turns and walks away. Each step seems to take forever as my arms get weaker and weaker.

How am I this out of shape?

Walking towards Beck's truck, I nearly drop them as I trip over the curb. I feel arms grab my shoulders, holding me up from falling.


I glance up, seeing Aeric in his police uniform. I smile as he grabs the boxes from my arms. "Hey darling."

"How's work?" I say as we walk towards Beck's truck.

"Shit show." He huffs.

"Still?" I say, watching him place the boxes in the bed of the truck.

"You would think a month is a long enough adjustment." He smiles. "It's going to be ok."

"I know." I say looking him over.

Dear God, I love that uniform.

"Aeric!" Calls Beck as he jogs up. "How long are you staying?"

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