Chapter 8

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Over the last couple weeks I have seen Aeric more and more. He has started coming into the diner on his lunch just so he could see me. It's little things that makes me slowly like him more and more. We were seeing each other at least four times a week. He always has a new and interesting place to go. One morning while we sit having coffee at a secluded coffee shop he quickly grabs my hand and stares me down.

"Can I help you?" I laugh.

"Yes, be my date for this weekend."

"To what?"

"I have this Fourth of July Celebration I go to and I want you to come with me."

"Is this something for the precinct?"

"No, it's more casual."

"Ok. You didn't have to be so dramatic about it."

His eyes light up like a child seeing fireworks for the first time. Even after a lifetime of incredible sadness he has a beautiful childlike sense of excitement.

A few days later I start packing my bags finding out we were staying overnight at the event. I pack casual clothes and a couple more dressed up options thanks to Natalia and her large dress collection. Somehow I know it was going to be anything but casual.

"You have to wear this!"

"Christ, knock much?" I jump.

"Ugh, whatever. I found this gem at the back of my closet and you will knock their socks off!"

She hands me a beautiful strapless cream lace sundress.

"This is way too dressed up." I say laying it on the bed.

"You're going to Paradise Valley Archer. Only millionaires live out there! You have to look like you own the place."

"Why would he tell me it's casual then?"

"Because he didn't want you to worry." She says strutting around my room, looking at the clothes I have picked out.

I casually slip into the lace dress letting my hair down out of the bun it is in. My long black waves sway back and forth as I run my fingers through my hair. Natalia marches back into my room flip flops in hand. Correction, very flashy sandals. 

"This is a bit much." I say cocking my eyebrow.

Sighing deeply, I sit a the edge of my bed; anxiety ripping through me.

"If you don't go I will."

"Be my guest, I'm about to have a nervous breakdown." I say picking at my nails.

I watch Natalia go through my bag, making disapproving noises as she sorts through it.

"Ew, you are not bringing these." she says holding up my old pajama pants.

"What else am I supposed to bring?"

"These?" she says grabbing a matching silk tank and shorts set.

"I don't want to put the wrong idea in his head." I laugh

"I thought we wanted that?" She laughs.

"I just don't want him to think I'm trying; besides I forgot I even owned those."

"He's not going to think that. You're acting like this is sexy lingerie or something. I just want you wearing the pajama pants you've had since middle school. By the way, how the fuck do you still fit the same pair of pajama pants anyway? OH! Can I burn these while you're gone?"

"Comfort trumps anything sexy and no, I am going to be buried in those. Till death do we part."

Checking my phone I see that he is downstairs. I give Natalia a hug before making my way downstairs. I see him standing by the doors wearing his sunglasses, sending me into a daydream. He looks at me putting his hand on his chest as I walk towards him. A smile stretches across his face as he extends his hand out to me.

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