Chapter 7

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It's been one week since I have last spoken with Aeric, since I blurted out something I never meant to tell him. He kept calling everyday, leaving me voicemails checking in on me; leaving the sweetest messages every morning. He barely knows me and yet he hasn't given up and probably won't any time soon. 

"Would you answer that phone!" yells Natalia.

"I told you I can't!"

"Seriously Archer. He is one of the sweetest guys; who calls everyday. Even though you won't answer. He obviously cares about you." She says exasperated.

"I know, but what do I say? I know we just met but two years ago I was nearly stabbed to death by my ex boyfriend?"

"Something like that, Yeah."

I shake my head staring at my phone screen; guilt flooding through my mind. 

Maybe I am being foolish?

"You're going to have to see him tomorrow in court anyway. You should at least call and talk about that." 

"I already know what I need to know."

"You're being ridiculous Archer. You can't live your life like the next disaster is around the corner. We've moved on! We came here to start a new life, now lets live it like it's our second chance at life. Things have to start going our way at some point."

I get up leaving my phone in the kitchen trying to escape the urge to call him.

I wake up the next morning in a cold sweat; deep down I know the day is not going to end in my favor. I pick out my one and only professional outfit I happen to own, a white fitted blouse with a black pencil skirt that hugged my body perfectly. Pulling my hair into a high ponytail, I remember the last time I wore this outfit; my college interview at UCLA. When I walked in there like I owned the place, like I belonged for the first time. Head held high, transcripts in hand as I walk into the administrative office. I wish I had that confidence in myself today like I did in that moment.

Slipping on a pair of black heels I borrowed from Natalia after twenty minutes of convincing on her part; I stand up a little taller figuratively and literally. I need to exude power and confidence if I want to face him today with determination. Knowing my feet would be screaming in only a few short minutes as I grab my things, stuffing them in my purse. 

"I know you're going for confident but you look like a sexy secretary." Natalia laughs from my door way.

"Not helping." I say tucking in my blouse.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come?"

"No. I don't need you murdering him in front of an entire room full of police."

"Good point. I will get you a coffee to take with you."

"Thank you." I say watching her walk down the hall.

Looking myself over in the mirror, smoothing the fabric of skirt. My hands fall to my sides as panic begins to creep its way to the surface. After a few moments of talking myself up I make my way to the front door. 

"Here." She says as she hands me a to-go mug.

"I love you Nat."

"I love you too. Good luck."

I walk into the courthouse with purpose, my heels clicking on the floor as I make my way through security. Walking up to main screen I saw my case flash across the screen, 9:15 am room 4.

"Archer." Says a voice in my ear.

Gasping I turn around bumping into Aeric.

"Woah, a little jumpy?" He smiles, placing his hands on my waist.

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