Chapter 2

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I gently rouse to the sound of the door opening and footsteps coming towards the bed. My eyes flutter open, adjusting to the light. The red-headed man soundly asleep, his arms around me as if they are my shield. I sit straight up moving away from him, rubbing my face. His arms stretch up letting out a soft groan.

"I am so sorry, I didn't.."

"Don't worry." He interrupts with a smile; flashing his perfect white teeth.

Suddenly, my attention is brought to the doctor standing beside us awkwardly waiting to speak. My tanned skin flushes, setting fire to my cheeks. The red-headed man took notice and stood up gracefully positioning himself behind the doctor.

"Miss. Cade, we will be processing your discharge for this afternoon. You will feel some discomfort and pulling as your neck heals. You received 7 stitches in your hairline to your forehead, it should heal nicely." He said quickly as he shifted through pages of charts. "You came in with a moderate concussion and we held you for 24 hrs for observation..." he trailed off handing me a stack of paper.

I quickly leaf through it, seeing my discharge papers and a final bill. I sigh placing the papers beside me.

"Thank you," I say as I push out a smile.

"If you need anything else please don't hesitate. Take it easy for a few days. Mr. Grant, a word?" He says gesturing towards the hall.

He glances at me shooting me a half smile as he follows the doctor out into the hallway. I pick up the stack of papers finding the bill. Glancing over the panel of tests and prices listed down the side of the page.

How am I going to pay this? I don't have insurance or savings.

Thousands of dollars in tests stare back at me. The last time I was in the hospital was over a year ago. I was unconscious then too thanks to Alex.

I rub my hands on my face trying not to relive the traumatic experience. But, that didn't work. Everything was the same, the smell, the lights and the pain. My hand moves across the scars on my abdomen, letting one tear hit my cheek. My attention is brought up to the door slowly opening.

"Can I come in?" Says a more than familiar voice.

"Oh god yes!" I cry out to Natalia.

She runs towards the bed leaping on top of me crying.

"I was so scared when I got the call! I can't believe this happened..." she said letting tears streak her face as she brushes the hair from my face assessing my wounds.

"I will be ok. I always am." I smile at her pulling her into a bear hug.

"I don't mean to interrupt but the nurse needs to remove your IV." Says Mr. Grant quickly.

Natalia pushes her self off of me and stands at the end of the bed looking at me wholeheartedly. She looks at Mr. Grant taking him in like a snack; she looks back at me giving me a wink. I could feel my eyes roll into the back of my head in response. The nurse hurries in quickly removing my IV and putting a bandaid across my arm. Mr. Grant not losing sight of me the whole time. As fast as she came she was gone.

"Natalia, can we have a moment?" I ask as she gives me a megawatt smile.

"Sure thing!" She says as she scurries outside with a laugh.

"Um... Mr. Grant. I just want to thank you for what you did for me yesterday. Also, I am so sorry for falling asleep on you. I didn't mean to keep you here." I say as I pick at the frayed blanket.

"Trust me, Archer, there was no place I'd rather be last night." The words effortlessly leaving his lips as he rubs his neck surprised at what he had just said. 

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