Chapter 24

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Quickly gathering my hair into a ponytail, I brush my fingers roughly through my hair trying to smooth down the bumps. Grabbing bobby pins, I haphazardly shove them in trying to fix the disaster forming on my head.

"Fuck..." I whisper.

Carefully slipping on my satin blouse, my hair instantly sticks to fabric.

"Really?" I groan, trying to tame the static.

Tucking the front of my blouse into black dress pants, I snag my earing on my sleeve as I finger comb down my hair. Taking a deep breath I start rolling up my sleeves.

So, this is how my day is going to go?

Slipping on a pair of black strappy heels as Aeric comes in my room holding two cups of coffee.

"You missed a strap." he says gesturing down.

Confused, I bend down lifting my pant leg to look, "no I didn't." I say looking up at him.

I stand up with an unimpressed look as his eyes follow my body. I quickly smack his arm, spilling a splash of coffee on the floor. I laugh as he places the cups on my vanity, his hands dripping.

"I'm sorry." I laugh grabbing him a towel.

"I had it coming." he smiles as he places his hands on my waist.

Slinging my arms around his neck as he leans down, his lips come to mine as if fueled by adrenaline.

"We can't start this, I'm going to be late." I say pulling away.

His arms make quick work of lifting me up, my toes hover off the ground as he kisses me harder. A sudden gagging sound comes from the doorway pulling our attention.

"How old are you?" Aeric asks seriously.

Natalia makes a snarky face with a fake laugh as she walks down the hall. Aeric looks to me with a wide smile as he hands me a coffee cup.

"Good one." I say taking a sip.

"Wait, is that sarcasm? Cause I'm pretty thrilled."

Allowing a laugh to sneak out, he walks down the hall slowly. Watching him slip up the sleeves of his dress shirt, exposing his forearms. He looks back at me, smiling like he did on our first date. Curiosity and affection beaming from his eyes. His navy blue dress shirt perfectly complimenting his red hair. Watching his hand slide up his forearm, adjusting his watch; he catches my gaze.

"Did I tell you I love you today?" He says flashing me a smile.

"Yes." I smile.

"For good measure, I love you darling."

"You really know how to make me smile."

"I hope so because I'm going to keep saying it until the last breath leaves my body."

"Aren't we a bit theatrical today." Huffs Natalia as she grabs her purse.

"Jealous?" he smiles.

"Not in the slightest." She laughs.

"You're telling me that Beck doesn't get you all soft and mushy?" I say with disbelief.

"No." she snorts.

I let out a laugh watching her slip on shoes, "I've known you my whole life, since when have you not gotten completely over invested in a relationship?"

"Because we aren't in a relationship." she says hastily.

Aeric looks to me as Natalia leaves the apartment.

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