Chapter 3

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"Jesus Christ." I blurt out as an older gentleman gives me an offended look. "I'm so sorry." I blurt.

He assesses me up and down, taking noticing of my neck and face.

"Young lady, are you ok?" He asks as he gently places his hand on my upper arm.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you." I say faking a small smile.

"I apologize for grabbing your shoulder. You look just like my granddaughter." He said as he shifts his shopping bag to his other hand.

"It's no worry at all."

I turn, stepping up onto the platform placing some change in the coin slot. I take my seat towards the back where hopefully no one will notice me. I keep my head low and pressed against the window watching the traffic go by. We make a few stops picking up more people.

My stop approaches as I pull the cord. A loud ding comes across the speaker breaking the silence. I tuck my face behind my hair as I dart off the bus and quickly walk away. I round the corner coming up to the library seeing the diner across the street. Sunlight bouncing glare off of the front windows. I quickly cross and stop at the alley, debating whether to run or walk. I decide to not look crazy and walk like a normal, rational person. I round the back of the building and see my car locked up. Hesitating momentarily, I check behind me; making sure I am alone.

Getting into my scorching car, I rush to roll the windows down. My eyes start to water from the heat blasting from the dash as I start the car.

I need a new car.

I sit waiting in my car for the fan belt to stop screeching so I can leave. Finally after a few minutes, I pull down the alleyway slowly. The air in my lungs heavy as I turn down the road heading to the police station. It's the right thing to do and yet I find myself wondering why he had been so adamant not too.

I park outside the main doors and make my way up the front steps. As I approach the front door I am confronted by an officer leaving the building. His large frame bumping into me nearly knocking me down.

"I am so sorry miss." He says with a southern accent while grasping my shoulders.

He quickly assesses my face and his eyebrows furrow, "Miss, do you need help?"

Calling me miss as if he wasn't only a few years older than me. Dark brown hair buzzed into a crew cut fade featuring a strong nose and thick jaw that matched his large build.

"Yes, yes I do." I say as I remove my sunglasses looking into his hazel eyes.

His head tilts to the side trying to see my forehead, as my hair didn't do a great job covering it. A broken look crosses his face.

"Come with me. I will take your statement." He says as he gestures, holding the door open.

I give him a small smile as I walk forward into the lobby. He walks past me scanning a key card and opening the big heavy doors. I walk forward avoiding the looks from other people in the lobby.

Why is it so busy?

I walk down a narrow hallway with grey carpet and tan walls. Passing a fair share of closed doors; the smell of coffee and printer ink overwhelms my senses.

"Right here on the left."

I stand waiting for him to scan his keycard again and open the door.

"Just have a seat while I grab a female officer and the camera." He said holding the door open as I sit down on a big chair. "Can I get you anything?"

HopelessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz