Chapter 16

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Leaning back in my chair, closing my eyes; all I can see is the terrified look on Archer's face. I know it was bound to happen when she is with me at one point or another. Why I panicked in the first place I don't really understand. It's been a year since my last major panic attack.

"Hey Grant, there's a call for you."

"Take a message."

Why else would I forward my calls dumbass.

"It's Torez." He said lowly.

Leaning forward on my arms, I hesitate before picking up the phone; knowing exactly what it's about.

"This is Aeric Grant."

"Buddy old pal. You haven't been answering your phone."

"I've been busy." I say flatly.

"Well, I guess my news must not be very important."

"Oh no, please tell me. I need to know." I groan.

"You were right."

Feeling my heart sink in my chest like a brick, the air in my lungs hitches.

"Did you get proof."

"Of course I did. But you owe me."

"I don't owe you shit." I say defensively.

"You know where to go. We'll talk soon, friend."

Hanging up the phone, I slam my fists against my desk sending a jolt through my arms. Torez is someone I do not want to owe a favour too. Swiftly standing up I barge out of my office and down the hall towards the main lobby. 

"You're on a mission." Chuckles Noah as he catches up.

"Come with me." I demand.

"Aw yeah. Roll out!" He says excitedly.

Shaking my head, hoping in the truck; I quickly answer a text and buckle in. Pulling out of the parking garage, Noah goes on about anything and everything that I could care less about. Driving down crowded streets, I watch the buildings slowly grow sparse as we make our way out towards the desert. 

"Okay I know I've said that we should hang out more but the desert is not my idea of fun." Beck complains.

"This isn't a social call." I say flatly.

Glancing over at Beck, he gives me a look that could sting like a wasp, "I've told you to keep your distance."

"I need help."

"We can figure this out whatever it is." He says raising his hands. "Aeric, this isn't worth it."

"This is beyond you and I, my dear friend."

"No it's not. We are law enforcement. That's our job is; to enforce the law Aeric. You're blurring lines. Just because you made a few bad choices on tour doesn't mean that I'm going to let you fuck up this go around."

"Fuck Dr. Phil. Getting tough with me now."

"What if you get fired. Or worse, put in jail."

"Calm down. I'm not going to jail or loosing my job. I haven't done anything."

"Yet." He mutters under his breath.

"I swear to god Noah. I will kick the ever living shit out of you." I say looking between him and the road.

"Fucking try it." He yells, slamming his fist into the middle console.

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