Part 31

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A/N: Hey guys sorry bout the lack of updates, took a small break. Some shit came up thats been making my writing slack so I took a break to fix myself but I'm back and better than every.

I walked into the office to see Kenshin just watching me walk in and the 'mother' of all hell staring at me. 

"Ah Y/N you finally showed up. Glad you could me. Kenshin, you must have questions and let me answer them. Y/N was never hurt to begin with, we tricked you to get here. She didn't have a choice in the matter to make you come here. Well, all the missions she's really never had a choice, hah. Anyway I truly just wanted too see if you would consider joining us. You see your name has power behind it whether you like it or not. We would like to use your name behind our family here. You wouldn't have to kill or anything, maybe do some delivery for us but nothing with killing. We would just like to have more power. We already use your girlfriend Y/N's name a bunch. After all she is a well known killer in plenty of parts but your name is known far and wide. So what do you say? Will you be one with the family?" She asked Kenshin bluntly without hiding any of their motives. 

I could see Kenshin being a little annoyed with me for tricking him but I couldn't help it. Once the family says something it has to be done or else they won't hesitate to do it their way. 

"Well, even though your offer would help you guys, that it would. I cannot help a killers organization, that I will not." Kenshin said and the 'mother' just looked at him and nodded. I could feel her plotting something in her head. 

"Well that's too bad to hear. Sadly we don't take 'no' too nicely here. I could threaten Y/N's life against you but I won't. Instead I'll just make Y/N do more missions for me. Unless you say yes that is." She said and I sighed knowing she was going to do something like that. Kenshin looked pissed off but it wasnt as bad as she could do. I mean I don't mind killing, its a fun Sunday too me but Kenshin hates the idea and I think she knows that. 

"I do not want to accept, that I do not. But I feel like I have too, that I do. Or else you would pull something worse than what you are suggesting." Kenshin said and the 'mother' just smiled and nodded. 

"Glad to have you on board." She said which I really wanted to snear at. 

Now I'm questioning why I was there. I mean I could have defended Kenshin but instead I sat there and listened like a damn idiot. I mean its hard for me to fight her, I've never was given a choice in anything or she pulls that shit. I should have defended Kenshin or done something. I rushed over too sit there and be an idiot. Just walking with Kenshin is making me sick for being an idiot. Like I don't know what too say to him right now. Like should I be like 'Hey man how's life' wtf Y/N he would understand if you said something. Boyfriend privilege's right? 

"Hey Kenshin?" I said which he looked at me too. "I'm sorry for not standing up for you in there." I said which he sighed too.

"Y/N I care a lot about you, that I do. Knowing what that woman saying about not giving you a choice, I know she wouldn't have responded nicely too you standing up for me, that I know." He said which I nodded to. 

"She probably would of put a knife to my throat to be honest." I said which he sighed too. 

"Y/N I wanted to also talk to you about something else we talked about before you showed up, that I do." He said in an all serious tone too which confused me more.

"Sure what is it?" I asked and he looked at me with a serious face. I'm scared.

*Flash back*

*Kensins POV*

I sat down in the office with a woman who looked a lot like Y/N, I could almost sense that she was Y/N's mother. She was waiting on something or someone to show up too tell me what was really going on. 

"Miss, I really don't mean to be forward but I need to see Y/N, that I do." I said to her which she smirked too. 

"We will get to that. I'm waiting on someone to show up too get started then we can go see Y/N." She said too me with a smirk on. Something isn't right with this meeting. "Do you have any questions for me while we wait?" She asked me 

"Yes I do. Are you Y/N's mother?" I asked her which she laughed at.

"I'm everyone's mother here. We are a family and so I'm the mother of this family you could say." She said invading my question. 

"No what I mean are you Y/N's real mother? She has never met her real parents. Which you give off the same vibes as her, that you do." I asked her which she just smiled at. 

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Who can say." She said. 

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