Part 6

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It was getting dark now and I was on my way to the Dojo. While I was walking I was thinking about what I said to Sano. I was a little harsh because it was my first time doing such a lewd thing and I do have some feelings for that man. But I cannot have feelings toward him due to the fact I'm a man-slayer and hes just a bum. A legend dating an almost homeless bum what a story! But I still felt kinda sad that I said it didn't mean anything when it was supposed to mean something but how can I just go out with him. Then I felt something poke my shoulder and i jumped a little, grabbed the handle of my sword and turned around to just see Sano.

"Oh. Hey what you doing around this area." I said getting out of defense stance

"Actually looking for you. I said for you to grab a drink with me and wasn't that the original reason for you to come over?" Sano said with a smirk and i face palmed myself in my head and smiled. 

"Right... But I would think you would want me gone after that whole fest just a few minutes ago." I said feeling worse about what I said and he just sighed

"Listen, even if you don't feel the same way doesn't mean we can still be friends. I guess I was trying to convince you to date someone like me but that didn't work." He gave out a nervous laugh and my heart felt like it just shattered in a million pieces and all I wanted to do was cry but since i'm as stubborn as a mule I didn't. 

"Right. Anyway I still have to grab my wallet from that place I was telling you about. Maybe we could just have dinner there." I said with a smile and he just looked at me

"Nah dinner can wait for another day. After all I've had my fill and I'm tired. I can still walk you if you would like." Sano said and I lost my smile into something I didn't have the expression for. I think it was a disappointed look but what could you expect he came he to have dinner with me then says he wants to go home! But then I felt something crawl down my cheek and it happened to be tears. "Y/N... Whats wrong?" He asked like he was worried and I just turned away and ran to the Dojo. 

Didn't know why I ran away nor why I was going there but all I knew that the place where I wanted to be was where someone I could lay my head on there shoulder and have someone relate to me was there. I ran all the way there and Kenshin happened to be outside waiting for someone. I didn't tell him I would be here till later but he was just sitting there then he saw me and jumped up. I was still crying and tried stopping about a million times now but tears just kept rolling down my tear stained cheeks. 

"Y/N what happened" Kenshin said next to and I tried to speak but nothing came out and then Kenshin embraced me him in his arms. "It will be okay. That it will." That's all he said while petting my hair and hugging me. After a little bit I calmed down and was able to breath again then tried getting out of his embrace but he wouldn't let me. 

"I don't know what happened but everything will be okay. That it will." Kenshin said and I smiled a little bit a nodded while still hugging me then he finally let me out of his hug and looked at my E/C eyes for a minute before saying anything. "My your face is so red!" Kenshin said a little silly and led me to the Dojo and gave me a tissue. I cleaned my face and sat there looking at the stars. "You can talk to me. That you can." Kenshin said and I giggled a bit

"Sorry just so much happened in one day that I'm still in shock." I said and I could feel Kenshin staring at me. I didn't really want to look at him unless he was gonna kiss me but I didn't think he would. 

"What happened if you don't mind me asking." Kenshin siad and I sighed

"I lost my virginity to a guy today but I told him I didn't have feelings for him and he acted like he didn't care. Then when I left his place he came to find me for dinner but after talking about it he made it seem like he only did that to get me to liking him. For some odd reason I started to break down but I held it in until he changed his mind about dinner and I just broke." I said and I finally looked at Kenshin and I saw his angered face. I was kinda shocked to see him mad about that but at the same time it made sense to me. 

"Well do you have feelings for him?" Kenshin said and I just sat there staring back at the moonlit sky. 

"No. It isn't possible for me to have feelings towards such a bum.  He looks more penniless that you do and that's saying something" I said with a small laugh and Kenshin gave a little 'oof'

"That was harsh. That it was. But maybe its for the best if you stay away from him. You can stay with me. That you can." Kenshin said and I smiled a little bit.  

"That is for the best but I wouldn't want to hog a room for myself even if its a big dojo." I said then Kenshin thought a bit then got an idea. I felt like I could see the light bulb turn on. 

"You can stay in my room with me. That you can." He said and I blushed a little bit but at the same time Kenshin acts like a little cinnamon bun and I doubt he would do anything to make me feel uncomfortable unless we were in that kind of relationship.

"Why not." I said with a smile and then we headed back to the room just to set up a futon for me. What could go wrong with this?

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