Part 18

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Okay I think I got all of them so enjoy this story!!!

I'm sick of hot pot. Its official. This is twice in a week we are having hot pot because was gonna be the kind soul and cook us a good meal but Karou and Yahiko were like we don't want this. Then Karou said hold my beer and got out a painting to go eat out. I don't know why they love this so much but every time we come here there seems to be trouble. Today's trouble was some drunks talking politics. It seemed like nothing till Kenshin gave the face of shit was going down and a bowl hit him.  Stupid idiots are picking a fight with the oh great Battousai. But instead of standing up for himself Yahiko was like bitch your a drunk so get out, this is meaningless to me so I just half listened to this pitiful fighting until I heard Sano being.... not Sano?

He was trying to hard to impress everyone but me and Kenshin remember the bullshit he tried to pull. He was talking to the 3 drunks about their belief for democracy which seemed to pissing him off and the 3 drunks. They decided to go outside and battle it out. It wasn't impressive to me due to I've seen Sano fight a lot tougher guys with his Zanbatō. I was even there when he found it and learned the damn thing by himself. Now when he was determined to carry the damn thing and swing it that was impressive seeing him push himself to the limit. So seeing him fight 3 drunks that thought they won with dirty tricks like hiding a dagger in their fist was lame. While Karou and Yahiko found it impressive to see him flick a man and see him go flying. Sano just has a shit ton of strength now due to that fucking Zanbatō. 

But then I saw the other 2 drunk men start shivering and one of them were taking out a sword. I didn't see a problem cause maybe Sano would snap that little thing in half but Kenshin did and had to ruin the fun and warn the man. 

"So Mr. Swordsman did that bump you go on your head go away?" Sano asked Kenshin and I was kinda shocked that he was acting like he didn't know Kenshin. But hey if he wants to play strangers that his deal. 

"Oh... Thanks but it was really nothing." Kenshin said all normal which confused me cause I would have picked a fight right then due to we are now enemies. 

Sano just decided to point out the obvious why Kenshin got hit in the head and Kenshin was like nah bruh I'm not that great. Which we all know is a lie because he is one of the great man slayers back in the day. At this point I stopped caring what they were saying and busy with my question of why the fuck has Sano not tried to fight me, confront me, or said a word to me. Now I'm god damn curious why he hasn't shown any interest in me. GOD DAMN IT GIVE ME ATTENTION! 

"Y/N were leaving, that we are." I heard Kenshin saying and I snapped out of my bitching self and looked around for Sano. He seems to far off heading the way I would go to get to his place. 

"I'll be there in a little while Kenshin. I gotta go find out something." I said turned away from Kenshin and kept my eyes on Sano. I could feel Kenshin's worrying from where I stood and I sighed and let my eyes get off Sano and look towards Kenshin. "I just want to find out why the fuck he ignored me. I mean really first thing he says we are enemies and now hes acting like I don't exist! Is he a child or something?!" I said and Kenshin just gave me that fucking sympathetic smile. I hate when he gives me that smile because I know better and should just leave it be. "Fine I'll let it be." I sighed 

Himura Kenshin x reader (COMPLETED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя