Part 17

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I just ate silently really not caring about what they were talking about. Kenshin and them started to talk to the waitress and I just sat in a corner not caring of what they were talking about. I think it was about the bastard kid we ran into and how he has a hard life. I almost snickered at a hard life due to before I was found by my sword instructor I had a worse life. I doubt anyone would guess that but then again me carrying around a sword does say a lot. 

When I was a child I didn't have parents from as far as I can remember. I was adopted by these assassins and they taught me the art of killing. I never had friends due to I was raised to kill, not to be a child. I never thought of myself as a child I just knew I was meant to kill. One of my targets happened to be big politician that was being guarded by some big time guard. Everyone in my so called "family" knew him as ' the wall'. I didn't think nothing of him until I met this man when I was just sitting in a bush and his eagle senses caught on and found me. He was a really tall, big guy who I didn't give a shit about. Stupid man wall in my way, hes just a big bulky man who likes to get in my way. I knew no sword technique just knew how to be quiet and slice someones neck with a knife. That was my skill but if I were to be caught like I was then I didn't have a choice other than run and pray for the best. 

"A child.... what is a child doing hiding around here?" The wall said and I just hissed at the sound of being called a child. "Shut up old man." I hissed and he just laughed. "I am almost 30 and you find that old! Now could you tell me who sent you?" he said suddenly getting serious and I backed up a little bit prepared to run. Rule number one if you got caught was never sell out the family. "No one I came here free of will." I barked and he gave me a suspicious look. I assumed he knew that was a lie but he just let it go. "Well shoo little one. We don't need a bug around here." He said and I growled. I turned around accidentally slicing the wall's leg and ran off. 

From then on I kept running into this man. I found it annoying I was not able to kill my targets with this stupid wall made of skin and bones in front of me. One time I got so pissed and tried to kill this man. "Woah little one no need to get hasty." He said as I took my knife and tried to hit him. I was so small the highest I could reach is his waist. By this time its been an hour of him just walking backward and me missing he picked my little self up making me scratch his face, he didn't get a scar but he just gave me a bored face. "Really is that all you can do? Didn't your family teach you better little one?" He asked me and I just spit in his face. It didn't seem to phase this guy. "I can't beat you! Just kill me! I'm useless to my family if I can't do that much!" I yelled and he just laughed. "Then learn something new. I'll teach you swordsmanship." He said and I glared at him. "Yeah right you just want me to stop trying to kill people you protect." I said and he just laughed. "Well that's true. How about we make a deal? If you can beat me you can go back to your family and the life of blood." He said and I smirked 

"So what your saying if I kill you I can be free from your stupid strong grip." I said and he nodded and I just nodded into agreement and he smiled. "Be warned I have a stupid apprentice with me." He said and I just chuckled. "Can I kill him/her?" I said and he slapped me upside the head.

From that day on I learned the teachings of Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū under Hiko Seijūrō XIII or the wall. I beat him one day after I learned the final technique but I didn't kill him. I grew to close to him over a period of 19 years. But what also came with that I met Kenshin Himura (Just for reference Kenshin is 28 when the series starts and Y/N is 27) and accidentally fell in love for a fool who could never like someone like me. I mean sometimes he seems like hes gonna come out and confess his undying love for me but at the same time he gives signs he likes someone else. I'm never gonna understand that man.

"Y/N!" I heard Karou yell. "What?" I asked sharply angry being thrown out of my world. "We can't ignore this!" And I just sighed as Karou got up almost knocking down the pot. Kenshin attempted to stop the bitch but non the less failed. "Well I guess we go huh?" I said and Kenshin nodded. Guess we gotta go save a son of a bastard though I'm just gonna watch this. Hey maybe Karou could be useful and save this boy by herself for once. 

*time of the skips so I can avoid writing about episode 2 any longer. 

NAHHHHHHHHHHH. Kenshin of course had to pull up his magic sword and wack it around. Karou of course didn't do shit like always other than offer her lame ass sword technique for teaching since she don't got any other students. But I guess that means this bastard is gonna live with us which kinda creeps me out about more people but as long as its not Sano I'm good.  

Himura Kenshin x reader (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora