Part 28

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A/N 1: Thanks for all the feedback from the last chapter. Was really confused what the readers wanted. I mean I know what I want... but it may differ from other peoples options. So thank you and enjoy. Oh and drink some goddamn water you thirsty bitches <3

A/N 2: Sorry its took me so long! Life has gone to shit for me, but I'm working on getting it back to kinda normal. But hey enjoy the story! 

I don't know how much I need to stress this but, drink some water. 

Every step I take to my mission I worry about Kenshin. How fast will they send that message? How long between Sano's mission and Kenshin's? How fast will he get there? All these questions run through my head as I am clearly not worried about this mission one bit. I mean common they couldn't kill the 'mother' of my family. The father is just the face of my origination so we really don't care about him. Yes we all love him but he is like what, 60 years old now? The 'mother' is who we really care about. She is the most powerful person in this 'family' and she controls it all. So clearly these guys are weak, after all they sent me and not someone stronger than me. I'm mainly used for camouflage missions anyway. Where I have to go undercover as someones daughter per say and then kill them in the quiet. 

Which is confusing that they want me to make a big mess out of this place. I guess I can see where I can be useful by sneaking in but I don't see why they sent me to make a big mess. That's why I said its going to take longer because I gotta figure out how to slide a body against a wall while still alive then kill them. It takes skills. I guess since I still have some walking... running I can figure that out. 

*Sano's POV*

You know this is the longest I've gone not following Y/N. I just didn't want to see what she had to do since I heard shes gotta spread blood everywhere. I guess I could follow her now if I wanted. I mean I did tell her I would be here for Kenshin but he is bust doing chores most of the time or dealing with some dumb Karou shit. 

"Hello is anyone home?" I heard from the front entrance and I went over before "speed god" Kenshin comes over. 

"Yes? What do you want?" I said suspicious of this man just waiting at the door. 

"Ah yes, I'm looking for a Sanosuke Sagara. I have a message from a miss Y/N L/N." He said which clicked

"That's me. What does she want?" I asked him and he handed me a letter. 

"Ah she told me to give you this letter saying she would be longer. Apparently her job was take longer than she expected. We also have a message for a Kenshin Himura coming later explaining the same thing." He said and which I nodded to. Then after that he just left and I opened the letter to make sure he was lying. 

*The Letter* 

Dear Sano, 

I am writing to let you know I will be gone longer than expected. I thought this would be a piece of cake but they hurt people here that I care for. My best friend showed that they blew up half the building... where my room would have been if I was living here. Many deaths and they hurt the 'father' badly. Cannot forgive this disrespect of my 'family' and how we do things. The trip there will take most of my day then while I am on the way, I will figure out to handle this mission. I should be gone for a week times due to certain circumstances popped up and I have to basically get very gruesome to these people. Then after that I have to give a report to the 'mother'  which will take a second. So yeah I'll be gone for a second, a message should be on the way for  Kenshin as well explaining the same thing. I told him to come pick me up though so he might leave for a minute. Please don't come with him, he is still a little pissy with you. I will be talking to him on the way back so hopefully I can get everything sorted. 

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