Part 13

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A loud ringing was in my ears and the world was to bright to open my eyes but I'm a stubborn ass and opened my eyes. I saw the roof a Dojo but my back felt like it was stabbed. Damn that fucking hurt and I know I ain't moving anytime soon. I took a look to my left and saw Sano sleeping and I took a look to my left and saw Kenshin asleep. How long was I out for?

"Ah miss your awake. How do you feel?" I heard someone say and I tried getting up to see/greet them but the back stab stabbed me some more and groaned. "Not to well I see. You got stabbed pretty bad what happened? "He said but from his voice I could tell it was an old man from his voice.

"It was an accident based on a poor desicon I made." I said covering for Kenshin. I could hear a hmm then I heard the foot steps get closer to me to where I could see this old man. He looked down at Kenshin and nodded with an conclusion.

"I assume this young man here must of stabbed you on accident. Not many people can get hurt by a sword due to the 'no swords' law." The old fart said and I nodded but of course like any old man he needed to talk more. "But you must of been stabbed a thousand times due to all the scars you have on your back." Then at that point I had it and stood up with a death glare on my face. My back didn't enjoy the standing to well and was bleeding but I didn't care.

"Don't ever mention those scars to anyone got it?" I said but this doctor didnt even blink when I said that.

" I keep my patients private life to myself. All my patients have something or someone they don't want to talk about." He said and I just backed off knowing he wasn't going to mention it to anyone. I knelled down against my will to stand due to I was bleeding out and I heard a small 'oh' from the doctor and he helped me sit down on the mat I was laying on. Then he wrapped some new bandages up on me and told me to lay down and stay like that.

When I finally laid down I looked at Kenshin who I noticed to be awake and I smiled.

"Hey sleeping beauty" I said grinning and he just gave me a worried look and I wanted to smack him in the face. "God stop worrying about me I'm more worried about you. Are you Mr Battōsai or dear old loving Kenshin?"  I asked and he gave me a small smile.

"I'm Kenshin Y/N. That I am." He said and I smiled wanting to hug him but old doc told me to lay here and stay.

"You know I would give you a hug right now because I know your probably breaking down in your head knowing you stabbed me but that old fart told me to lay here."I said and Kenshin gave me a relieved look knowing I was okay.

We sat there in quiet and then talking about the past and how Kenshin would get picked on by master any time he tried to do a new sword technique. It was to good times when that happened but then the revolution happened and split us apart and ruined a good life. Kenshin wanted to fight while I had the skill I never wanted to fight but shit happened and I got mad at the master and to prove my point I became a man-slayer. I wonder what he thinks of me now since my innocent hands now stained with blood. I kinda regret it but at the same time I'm so crazy that I like the blood stained clothes that I wear day by day. 

But then I heard an asshole groan. 

"Good morning" Sano said and I rolled my eyes and saw Kenshin glaring at him with those eye. Man those eyes are so god damn sexy. Sano noticed Kenshin's glare and looked at him all confused. "What did I do this time?" he said 

"Oh I don't know you punched me in the face, can't get over me,  and plain down right stalking me!" I stepped in.. though i'm still laying down... and rolled my eyes and that shut up. 

"Well tell your new boyfriend that he can stop his glaring." Sano said almost in a sarcastic remark and I wanted to punch him in the face but I still can't move. 

"Nah he can glare at you all day, whatever it takes to get you out of here." I said and he got angry like he was gonna punch me and my beautiful bodyguard pointed his reverse blade at him over me. Really I got the sharp side staring me in the face this is great. 

"Don't you dare touch Y/N" Kenshin said in that killer voice and damn that's hot... But damn he finally said my name without the miss ACCOMPLISHMENT 

"Oh so you actually fell for this bitch." Sano said and that was it. I grabbed him by the neck getting up far to quick and pushed him against the pole. 

"I ain't a bitch you fucking fuckbag" I said with a glare and he gulped knowing he just fucked up. I wonder what Kenshin looks like at this moment. 

"Alright fine! I'll leave! Sheesh I only wanted to apologized for punching you in the face." He said waving his hands and I just rolled my eyes and gave him another glare and that shut him up. I let him go and didn't move to leave. 

"Mother fucker just leave or I will seriously kill you!" I yelled at him grabbing Kenshin's sword and flipping it to the sharp side up. He jumped up and walked away slowly and I threw Kenshin's sword at him. That made him boogie. "Damn that bastard." I said in a ticked off mood laying back down forgetting about my wound. God it hurt again. "Hey Kenshin could you get that old fart over I think I bleed threw again." I said and he nodded, jumped up, and hunted for the doc. 

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