Part 44

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PS: Drink some water... seriously, y'all are thirsty.

When I came down after showing Rose around the upstairs I didn't see Kenshin, maybe he left to go cry at home.

"Lilly, I have some great news!" Tensa said running up to me, how is telling Kenshin his friend just died?

"What is it?" I asked him and he smiled

"Kenshin is out of the picture! He left saying he's going to wander around like before!" Tensa said and I looked at him shocked

"Where is he?" I said in a pissed off tone and he looked at me concerned

"Why? He's gone now, now Rose is ours and we can start a family without worries." Tensa said and I really wanted to slap him but I know I need to hold back.

"Our job was to kill that man! Not let him wander free, so I'll ask again. Where. Is. He?" I said and he went 'oh'

"He said he needs to grab his things." Tensa said and without even thinking I ran towards Karou's Dojo. Then I saw Kenshin about to leave

"Kenshin!" I yelled and he looked at me shocked

"Y/N, what are you doing here?" Kenshin said all confused

"Duh I'm here to bring you back." I said and he just looked down like he was ashamed of something. "Listen dude you can't just leave whenever you want. Your a dad now and you still have to take care of her." I said not really believing what I am saying.

"You said you wanted Rose, that you did. I don't have anything Y/N, that I don't." Kenshin said which pissed off me.

"Kenshin, you have a family now, you have me! I never stopped caring for you, I just knew I needed to move on. That's why I married some douche with a silly name." I said and I could see a blush pop up on his face.

"Y/N... are you saying what I think your saying?" Kenshin asked me and I just sighed knowing I have to break his heart more than once

"No, I don't like you Kenshin, but I do want you around... I'm sorry but I don't think we can be together anymore. I don't want my future to be with some bum in a dojo that's never going to succeed. I want to live like I am now but with a guy like you. I found the prefect balance to my life" I said to Kenshin which I could tell he looked depressed.

"Goodbye Y/N." Kenshin said walking past me. "Y/N, I won't forget about us even if you want to forget, that I won't. We have something special, that we do. I will not give up on that, but I will not stay for that hope. Y/N, I'll see you around, that I will." Kenshin said which made my heart tear apart for a minute. I'm unsure why he makes me feel this way but I know I need to let him go. I headed home once I couldn't see Kenshin and passed Sano, I'm surprised he's out of jail.

"Hey stranger! Where have you been all my life?" I yelled waving at this 6 foot man but he didn't even acknowledge me. He just walked past me in the middle of the street like I was some stranger... I mean technically I am now. "Rude." I said out loud and he turned around with this face that was like half depressed and half angry.

"Your calling me rude? I literally see you talking to your boy toy that you obviously didn't want to see and put me in jail for a murder I did not commit, and your calling me rude? Excuse me Y/N but you need to have a sit down with ya self and figure out what the actual fuck is going on." Sano said with his claws out, like damn he's acting like some bitch who got her fake ass nails done so there long and pink and ready to fight anyone.

"Well sorry Mr. I'm a whiney bitch." I said just to make him more pissed off

"You know what? I cannot deal with this today. Go back to your life and I'm going to figure out mine. Now that I'm a convicted felon thanks to somebody I got to find a bed tonight and I was going to ask your boy toy but he's not home anymore and doesn't look like he plans on coming back." Sano said and I sighed knowing, no matter how much I hate him, what to do.

"Come stay at my place, not the one with my husband, my own home. I don't go there very often so it might be dusty but you can stay there. No one knows where it is, its my escape route incase I ever get caught." I said and Sano's eyes perked up

"I would rather not take hand-me-downs from you" He said being all stubborn and I stepped on his foot. "OW! What was that for?!"

"You think this is something I just give away willy nilly?! NAH! I am giving you this opportunity after you pay me back. Which you are already by being my escape goat. I frame you for all the crimes I get caught for, you take it and get out of jail willy nilly because I paid for you. You get to live rent free with everything in stock without lifting a finger. Yes you may have to spend 1 or 2 nights in jail but after one conviction your life can't go back anyway. So whats the point of even trying to fix your life?" I said and he just sighed. This deal may sound crazy but its a win win for both of us, I never get caught, he gets free food, housing, cleaning service, and travel without doing anything.

"Your crazy Y/N. I want an allowance, it ain't gonna be some cheap ass shit you can pull out of your pocket. I'm asking for half of what your husband gives you for an allowance. I know you live with a sugar daddy and all that money you flaunt doesn't come free. So give me half and we have a deal." Sano said. See I would be against this if I didn't have my fathers money on my hands, I got his estate from the will so I have more than enough than that. 1million USD is barely anything to me now.

"Okay you have a deal, now lets go show you your new home." I said hoping this would turn out all hunkey dory for me. 

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