Part 25

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Its been a week since me and Kenshin went on a date and something had changed. For one Sano started staying with us because he got into a fight with Kenshin and since Kenshin is way stronger he is sticking around to make sure he gets a chance to beat him up. Which makes no sense because I doubt Kenshin will just wander off like he says he might. I mean yeah if he was going to put this household in danger I bet he would but I believe I am the most dangerous person to walk in here. I finally got that assassination job done during this week too so today should be my pay day. 

"Hello, is anyone home?" I heard someone say outside. Perfect timing. I got up from sitting outside Kenshin's bed room waiting for him to wake his ass up. 

"Yes, how can I help you?" I asked the man and he smiled looking at me

"I have mail for a Y/N L/N. Is she around?" He asked and I nodded 

"That is me." I said and he nodded handing me an envelope.

"Good job on your last patch job. We gave a bonus for making him seem like he went missing. Do you need another job?" The man from my family asked me and I laughed knowing they already had a job lined up for me. They never have the payment guy tell me another job unless it was a urgent matter. 

"Sure. What is it this time?" I asked him and he grinned taking out a blue shirt. Usually it is just a dish cloth but when its a shirt it is a bigger mission.  

"We need you to fix the hole in this shirt. One of the sponsors son ripped it while playing kick ball and would like it fixed." He said which was a lot of code even though from the sounds of anyone near me it doesn't. They never tell me this much information on a client. Basically the run down was my family sent someone to kill the target but they never returned. But later the body of our family member was found and he a letter from the son of the client. Now my family wants the main client and the son dead. 

 "Alright can do, anything else?" I said and he nodded.

"You'll get paid more if you bring us it back in a different color." He said and I was shocked he said such a thing. Basically saying make a big show of it, like blood everywhere, and bring them the head of the victims. They only do that to a very hated target. 

"Do I need to put a new design on the shirt?" I asked and he looked at me confused like he had no idea what I was saying. I knew he was just following what the script for this delivery said. "Do I need to put a fake logo of a "nice" logo?" I asked him and then he understood. 

"From the information I was given, no you do not. I could ask them for you." He said and I shook my head

"No, I need to go over there myself sometime so I'll do it myself." I said and he nodded then told me goodbye and left. I sighed and then I turned back to head to Kenshins room to wake his ass up but I saw him standing there. 

"Hey Kenshin. I was just about to wake you up." I said with a smile and he was looking at me with a confused look like he does when he wants to know something. "Oh I was just getting my payment for a job I did. They also gave me another one." I sighed

"Y/N, You know that I worry about you. That I do. I do not like your method of money. That I do not." Kenshin said which I rolled my eyes too. 

"Yeah yeah. You swore off killing and that is why you don't need to know about what I have to do. Your dating a killer Kenshin." I said and Kenshin dived in and kissed me out of no where. 

"One sexy killer." He said loosing that nice guy tone and I couldn't help but blush to that statement.

"Well maybe I'll murder you with my sexiness." I said flirting with him and he just chuckled at that remark kissing my cheek and then my neck. I knew what he wanted right then and I blushed at the thought of it right in the morning. "Hey you should stop before someone sees." I manged to get out in which he ignored.

"What if I want someone to see." He said kissing me making me shut up. 

"Get a room!" I heard some rooster say from a distance which made Kenshin and I stop immediately.

"Wh-wha- what are you doing here Sano?" I asked still a blushing mess.

"Making sure the honeymooning couple doesn't have sex in the entry way where everyone can see." He said in a snarky tone which made me snap out of my trance. 

"We were not going to do that! Kenshin here was just happy to see me. Right Kenshin?" I chuckled nervously. Looking over to where he was but not anymore. He is gone why of course. 

"What do you see in him Y/N?" Sano asked me and I looked at him confused. 

"Well he isn't someone who would have sex with me to get me to like them. Thats for sure." I remarked and he just sighed.

"Which I apologized profusely for."  Sano said and I rolled my eyes

"Yeah but I'm gonna keep reminding you of that." I said and he just grunted. Then I just started to walk towards Kenshins room because I figured he was in there waiting for me. 

"Well one day I'm going to steal you away Y/N." Sano said... more like yelled and I rolled my eyes.

"I would like to see you try!" I joked knowing he would never be able to. Right?

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