Part 34

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You know, I never really had fun outside of killing. Kenshin wasn't what you called a fun person, more like a person to vibe with while you are both just old time people reflecting on the world. It was a good time but not this rush I get with Sano. Sano is a fun person who we can do out and just start a fight with someone random for no reason. Gets my blood pumping fun which makes me smile more than I have in a while. If my family saw this they would disapprove about how much I laugh and enjoy myself. I have to admit half of the time I saw Kenshin so I would force out more smiles just to prove I'm better without him..... even if I miss him. 

I decided to ignore the fact Sano kissed my cheek, it could've been a 'we are friends who like to have sex with one another' kiss. Or even an 'I hope to date you when your over your damn ex that you miss because he was a good one' kinda kiss. Either way, I ignored it and had a great time on a date, forgetting everything. Forgot about the letter that my 'father' sent me, forgot about Kenshin and Karou probably dating, forgot I'm not over my ex, forgot that there is a chance I am going to get some with someone who been obsessing over me since before Kenshin. I forgot everything and just had a good time with him, the one who can be a nice rebound that I am totally not going to take seriously. 

"Y/N, this has been fun but for Christ sakes I need a bed." Sano said jokingly because I had him running around with me all day just going to bars, beating up people, then going shopping. I've basically dragged him all throughout town without paying attention to the crowd even though I kept seeing some goddamn Red hair. 

"Yeah I figured, my old person back really does need to lay down." I joked with Sano which he just smirked at. He started giving me that face saying he wants to just kiss me right now which to be honest was a nice face. I haven't had a face like that in a while..... it hasn't been long without Kenshin but it feels like forever. "Just kiss me goddamn it." I said pulling his face down. Once he did kiss me it was like sparks flew, it was like I just forgot that there is other people on the earth and it was just us. A nice couple who has chemistry like no other. 

"Damn girl, who knew you could kiss like that. No wonder Kenshin didn't want to let go." He said and I just smirked which he just hugged me too. "Sorry, too soon." He said which I just rolled my eyes at. 

"Fuck him, fuck this place. Lets go home and stop worrying about others feelings for once." 

*time skip*

Its morning.... fucking morning. I have to do shit morning. That kind of morning. I haven't really considered my actions from last night until now. Yes I did just kiss a man and then proceeded to take him to his bed. Yes I did. Then I woke up in his bed forgetting that I do live with him and I can't go through the regret phase because he doesn't really do anything for a living. 

"Good morning sleepy. My face still hurts." He said which confused me

"What happened after I passed out." I said getting up not caring that im only in underwear and some of his clothes. 

"Oh you proceeded to do karate in my bed in your sleep. Using me as a punching bag. But not at once. Through out the night I got wacked by a fist, foot, even a knee at one point." He said which I laughed too. 

"I actually only do karate in my sleep when I'm deep sleeping. I usually don't do that though because you can be killed in your sleep." I said and he just nodded too then proceeded to hand me that letter from my 'father'.

"Sorry girl but fun time is over. Time to deal with lives bullshit. But hey I can be your bait." Sano joked which I rolled my eyes over then opened in the letter. 

*The Letter*

Dear Y/N,

I am writing to you as not the father of the origination that we will forever bear the burden of,  but as your father. As you know I was hurt in the recent attack against the family. But this pain gave me some foresight for you. Your mother wants to further the expansion of our family while I do not wish that. But as you well know, I have no control over what she does. As we do grow, your life will be in more danger and so will your loved ones. I know you have been in a love triangle of sorts but I wish you come home and tell me about these things. 

But that it is not the reason just for the letter. I write to you too let you know that I will not be sending jobs for you anymore. I will be sending letters as payment with a good sum of cash but we do no need you too do jobs. We are trying to give the new people a chance to taste the blood on their fingers instead of yours. We have grown quite a bit and no longer wish for you to dirty yourself. As your father I will be always in your care.

Take care

*End of Letter*

Mother fucking what? Did he seriously send me this to let me know I'm basically being let go and also telling me that the 'mother and father' are my actual parents. 

"Hey Y/N is everything okay?" Sano asked seeing the anger on my face. 

"I think I'm going to because a murderer of my family." I said which worried him further. "No just this is basically a letter of divorce from my parents, who are actually my parents. They'll be sending me money but thats all." I said 

"Do you want to go speak to them?" he asked and I just sighed

"Maybe, I don't think that would change their minds though. I guess I have free time now." I said which he laughed at. Then I heard a knock. 

"I'll go get it." Sano said then I heard from down the hall "What do you want?" He said as I walked over to see a goddamn red head here in his pink kimono. 

"Y/N, we should talk. That we should." Kenshin said in a more serious tone which annoyed me. Maybe my dad was right, I am in a love triangle. Fuck.  

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