Part 10

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I still thin my ears are playing with me with Kenshin confessing after all we barley spoken since I got back. I turned towards him and he just stared at me. 

"Your not messing with me like some asshole I know did. Huh? Do you just want to get in my pants or is that genuine?" I said getting mad at myself and he smiled. 

"Y/N it is genuine, I would never do what that man did to you. That I won't. I love you Y/N and that's the truth. That it is." Kenshin said and all I could do wash wash my face in tears. I never felt happy to hear my name without a miss first of all and hear his feelings from deep in his heart.I felt Kenshin wrap his arms around me letting me cry into his chest for hours.

By the time I finished crying the sun went from the top of sky to heading to evening time. I looked up at Kenshin who has been with me this whole time but he wasn't looking down at me... instead he was looking in front of him. I turned to see what has captivated his sight and I saw Sano.... Shit. 

"Y/N I realized I was wrong for saying what I did. I really do care for you and I just..." He paused looking at me still wrapped in Kenshins arms and I tried to get out but once again he wouldn't let me out... dammit kenshin.

"Hey Kenshin let me deal with him you really don't need to interfere with this private matter." I said and he just gripped tighter. 

"Miss Y/N, I care for you. That I do. Thats why I mustn't let you get hurt by this man again. That I won't" He said and I got a little 'urked he added the 'Miss' again and I bit his arm and he let go giving and girly ouch... I nearly laughed at this. 

"Stupid! You added the Miss again! You know what i'll talk to you about it later." I said turning to Sano and walked over to him and slapped him. "Sanosuke Sagara, you were my greatest friend until you fucked me for your own selfish needs. It. Is. Over." I said looking him dead in the eye seeing him about to break down. 

"What the hell, I knew this was coming so why the hell does it hurt!" He said about to grab me with his strength and I could see Kenshin out of the corner of my eye who was about to use his god-like speed to stop him but I gave him a signal to let me handle this. I forgot who I was for a minute... I am the blood queen. And remembering who I am I took out my sword that's been dormant for a minute and pointed it at his neck. 

"Sanosuke, don't you try to touch me and keep me with you. I am a man slayer from the revolution on the same side as the Battousai! I am known as the Blood queen or Chi no joo, and I helped kill off Sekihō Army." I said and he stared at me with shocked and anger filled eyes. 

"Ah I see, you man-slayers killed off my only father figure, Sagara Sōzo, so we are enemies then. Goodbye Y/N, I hope to never see you again or else I'll have to fight you with my Zanbatō." He said turning around showing me his sign for 'bad' on his half covering his body and walked away. I put back my sword and walked towards Kenshin.

"That was too much" I sighed and looked at him and he gave me a relived look and I laughed walking away with him. "Though now how am I gonna be let back in the dojo, I did hurt Kaoru." I said and he just smiled down at me. 

"Lets not worry about that and go shop for tonight's dinner. That we should." He said and I just gave him a light punch in his side. 

"Idiot your supposed to comfort me." I said and he gave a girly oof, I swear he is an idiot but a love-able one. We walked to the shop to by Tofu and other stuff for dinner holding hands and chatting like a real couple would. I really hope this happiness can last forever but manslayers together can never be truly happy. 

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